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龙的血盆大口分外显眼,显然是一只凶险的野兽。A dangerous beast, this.

火使野兽不敢靠近。Fire repels wild animals.

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谁是野兽派画家?Who were the Wild Beasts?

熊是一种野兽。Bear is one kind of beast.

那是人还是野兽?。Was it a man or an animal?

他象野兽般地咆哮起来。He raved like a wild beast.

熊是一种大型野兽。The bear was a great brute.

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他像个野兽斜视你!He squints at you like a beast!

现在猫科野兽又冲进这些马中间去了。Now the Cats are in among them.

贫穷是一头残忍的野兽。Poverty is a cruel wild animal.

这野兽捕食活的动物。The beast preys on living animals.

那些如野兽般嚎叫的是些什么人?Who are those wild beasts howling?

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野兽被诱出了洞。The animal was lured out of its hole.

它打击着那些野兽,激怒着它们。It buffeted the beasts, enraging them.

野兽们拍打着翅膀。There are beasts flapping their wings.

小女士,妳究竟用乜嘢方法驯服呢只野兽?Young Miss, how did you make it tamed?

元素?这个环境有野兽么?Elementals ? Is that this set's Beasts?

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他将长矛猛力刺进那头野兽。He jabbed a spear into the wild animal.

这两头野兽打得难分难解。The two animals were locked in a fight.

野兽突然向我们冲了过来。The wild animal charged at us suddenly.