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把你的信用卡给我,你花钱总是寅吃卯粮的。Give me your credit cards. You're living beyond your means.

美国人寅吃卯粮留在万亿债务,中国人省吃检用无奈万分买单。Chinese earned money for their grandchildren's and it's used to pay the debts.

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中国人认为,总是预支工资,寅吃卯粮的人,永远不能成为富人。It is believed in China that a man who always anticipates his income can never become rich.

但援助对其他国家尚未寅吃卯粮的国民有害。But a bailout harms the citizens of these other countries, who did not live beyond their means.

节省点过日子,别寅吃卯粮,尽量储蓄然后投资在共同基金里,看着它们增值。Live on little, don’t get into debt, save all you can, and invest it in mutual funds. Watch your money grow.

我们要有持续性,我们希望每年都对阵容有所增强,但是这不代表着我们会寅吃卯粮。But we've been consistent, we intend to strengthen this club annually but that doesn't mean we will deficit spend.

而美国的“寅吃卯粮”则使这种过剩维持了表面的平衡。Americans' spending on deficit only helped maintain the seeming balance between the consumption and overproduction.

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我们的模式也一样。我们寅吃卯粮地过日子,但就是没有人想指出皇帝没有穿衣服。Same can be said about our model. We're living way beyond our means, but no one wants to say the empire has no cloths.

“西方过去几十年寅吃卯粮,因而已经透支了自己的部分未来,”哥伦比亚大学教授埃德蒙·费尔普斯说。"Over the past few years living beyond the West, which has its own part of the overdraft future, " Columbia University professor Edmund Phelps said.

1860年后的英国,1960年后的美国,将消费置于生产之上,寅吃卯粮的自由贸易就一直成为当权者的政策。From Britain after 1860 to America after 1960, free trade has been the policy of powers that put consumption before production and today before tomorrow.

多年来,希腊政府一直寅吃卯粮,支出大于税收,再以借贷来弥补差额,造成今日公债之高已危及国家总体经济。For years Greek governments have spent more than they earned in taxes and borrowed to make up the shortfall. That public debt now threatens to engulf the economy.

在20世纪80年代中期,我们世界人口第一次超越其承受能力,但这一人口仍在持续增长,我们也继续生活在寅吃卯粮的窘境中。In the mid 1980s our world first overshot its capacity to provide for its human population, yet this population continues to grow and we continue to live on borrowed time.

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这套方案中的一些项目,比如从未来的彩票收入里借钱以救急用,这种寅吃卯粮的行为可能会在五月的投票中被否决,而加州很快也可能被冠以另一项第一——第一个破产的州。Some parts of the deal, such as borrowing from future lottery receipts, may yet collapse at the ballot in May, and California could soon be back in line to mark another first -- state bankruptcy.