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我性推倒你小晴你就不理我吧…Maybe I fall in love with you.

所以历史提醒我们那些墙是可以被推倒的。So history reminds us that walls can be torn down.

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露西推倒了金姆,警员拉开打架的各方。Lucy pushes Kim, and the officer breaks up the tussle.

把推倒或拆除建筑物当作工作的人。Someone who demolishes or dismantles buildings as a job.

推倒对曲面的甲板梁。Foredeck plates pulled down against camber of deck beams.

开源“社交应用服务器”有可能推倒那些“院墙”?Open Source "Social App Server" Might Crack Garden Walls?

我们前面的一位妇女将一名流浪汉推倒在人行道上。A woman pushes a stroller down the sidewalk in front of us.

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她尝试着离开但是又一次被邓贵大推倒。She tried to escape but was again pushed down by Deng Guida.

政府计划推倒那幢楼重建一座。The government plan to pull down the building and rebuild it.

我还把你爸爸的破房子全给推倒了。And I had that house of your father's bulldozed to the ground.

邓贵大再次用力将邓玉娇推倒在沙发上。Dengguida pushed her down again on the safe with more strength.

在最后一次视察时他们把整座建物给推倒在一旁。On their last visit they pushed the structure over on its side.

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潘蓉和丈夫被扣押,他们的房子也被推倒。Pan and her husband were seized and their house was pulled down.

秋桦意外推倒佳珍,导致佳珍流产并昏迷不醒。Qiuhua accidentally bumps into Jiazhen causing her to miscarriage.

梵蒂冈方面表示,该女子在一年前就策划一起类似的推倒案件。The Vatican says the same woman planed a similar attack a year ago.

我还把你爸爸的破房子全给推倒了。Tree . And I had that house of your father bulldozed to the ground.

因此他打了另一个小孩,把他推倒在地上,并冲上前抢球。So he hits the other child, knocks him down and lunges for the ball.

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你使他的光辉止息,将他的宝座推倒于地。You have put an end to his splendor and cast his throne to the ground.

但是某个时候,你面临的糟糕天气会把你的房子推倒。But at some point, the bad weather you face could knock your house down.

他们把那堵隔在他们两镇之间的墙推倒并且修建了一条马路。They pulled down walls between them and built a road to connect the two.