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你如果好言请求可以给你一些冰激淋。You can have some ice cream if you ask nicely.

好言劝慰使人宽心。The kind advice rests easily on one's conscience.

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好言常常不入耳。The kind advices are often unpleasant to the ear.

好言一句三冬暖,话不投机六月寒。Fine words make winter warm, disagreeable ones make summer chilly.

台湾人开始时用好言规劝蒋的官员改变作风,但是不起作用。The Formosans tried to reform Chiang's officials by pleading with them.

安静莹知文学庭依然故我,一点没有长进,于是好言劝导。Quiet Ying court literature know little progress, I am still my old self.

就好言请到家里,让画家照着给父亲画张遗像。Cheng invited the beggar to his home and asked an artist to draw a portrait for his father.

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管文军心疼王芳好言劝说,不知不觉就说起了自己对她的好感。GuanWenJun love dearly wang fang discussion persuasion, unconsciously I speak of his affection for her.

中国文化史上,好言形势是一种科学与人文相结合的重要传统。In the Chinese literary history, it is an important tradition to have a discussion involving with writing styles and humanism.

他还记得,当他们买下这间小屋准备安家的时候,她是怎么好言好语说服他种草莓的。He remembered how she had cajoled him into planting the strawberries when they had first bought the small house that was to be their home.

真的别疏忽了你的语言,好言一句贵千金啊。它可以救起一个人的自信、尊严和灵魂,也可以救起它背后的一个大世界。Don't neglect your words , good words are worth much. It can save a man's confidence , dignity and spirit, can save the whole world behind.

古老的长满了苔藓的砖墙在轻声呼喊“留下来吧”,窗子在微微含笑,房门在好言劝说,在举手召唤,长春藤也因为暗中同谋而露出了羞愧。The aged and lichened brick gables breathed forth 'Stay!' The windows smiled, the door coaxed and beckoned, the creeper blushed confederacy.

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但奥巴马已不满足于好言劝告,他正在出台一系列范围广泛的政策,以告诫人们摒弃坏的行为,接受好的选择。But Mr. Obama's efforts go beyond exhortations to a wide-ranging series of policies ready to warn you off bad behavior and favor good choices.

洪国荣替宝莲物色了公司的一名叫陆兵的职工和她相亲,陆兵好言好语的哄骗宝莲,宝莲快乐的跟陆兵一同去吃牛排。Looking for a company HongGuoRong a eal named LiuBing worker and her HaoYanHaoYu LiuBing mutually close, to trick the a eal, with LiuBing eal happy go eat steak.

最初,她和和气气地好言好语地劝他说,如果他不再屙屎屙尿在尿布上,而能够在洗手间大小便,父母会是多么自豪。Her first attempts at persuasion entailed kindness and understanding. She explained how proud she and his father would be if he managed to fill the toilet rather than his diaper.

好言相告毫无效果,最终两人不欢而散,鲍总又出门到朋友那里鬼混去了,留给妻子女儿的是痛苦与忧伤。There is no good results made us the truth, the two eventually broke up, the total abalone and friends to go out there to fool around, and his wife left for her daughter's painful and sad.