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这个是蚕茧啊。They are silkworm cocoons.

它是由蚕茧制成的。It is made from silkworm cocoons.

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我国关于天蚕茧丝的开发还不多。Yamamai silk is rarely developed in China.

油料、蚕茧、水产品产量也居全省首位。Oil plants, pod and sea food also take the top place in Jiangsu.

一个蚕茧中仅有三分之一的丝可供织丝毯所用。One third of the silk from the cocoons can be used to weave silk carpets.

让你这样一直花蝴蝶安静的躲在蚕茧中貌似是不可能的了。It's going to be well-nigh impossible to keep your inner butterfly in her cocoon.

“缫”字中有水、缫釜及蚕茧,属象形字。"Reeling" Characters water kettle and reeling cocoon, is a pictographic character.

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中文资料宣称,1090年中国已有一种抽出蚕茧丝线的机器。Chinese sources claim the existence of a machine to unwind silkworm cocoons in 1090.

所以在那些日子里,很多时候我是被包裹在稀里糊涂的蚕茧中。So much of my time these days is spent wrapped inside a cocoon of non-understanding.

沈建东从村民那里买来蚕茧,请人加工成蚕丝,再自己做成蚕丝被。Mr. Shen buys the cocoons from the village and sends them away to be processed into silk.

这一年,嘉兴蚕茧仍得丰收,该女子却因劳累过度而亡。This year, Jiaxing silkworm cocoon still get a good harvest, the woman to death because of overwork.

一个由蚕茧构成的丝质艺术品,蚕茧是由家蚕属中的桑蚕所产生的。A silk art project made of cocoons, with a silkworm of the Bombyx mori species that makes the cocoons.

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蚕茧是蚕桑丝绸生产的一部分,当这个过程开始的时候,最终的产物就是丝绸织物。Cocoon is a part of sericulture process or silk production and its output is silk fabric when processed.

探讨了蚕茧干燥过程中头冲及二冲温湿度对茧质的影响。Discusses the influence of temperature and humidity in primary and secondary cocoon drying upon cocoon quality.

夏县西阴村发现的半个茧壳,是我国最古老的蚕茧遗存。The half-grain cocoon shell excavated at Xiyincun Village of Xiaxian County is Chinars earliest cocoon heritage.

据说,阿巧在半山沟沟里遇见的白衣姑姑,就是专门掌管蚕茧年成的蚕花娘子。The lady in white whom Aqiao met in the valley was Lady Silkworm, the fairy in charge of the harvesting of silk.

他拿出一把刀,把蚕茧的其他部分剪破,然后蝴蝶很轻易地就出来了。So the man decided to help the butterfly, he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon.

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他们出现在封面上木制蚕茧和随机面向多样化的意见和节奏的门面。They appear on the cover as wooden cocoons and are randomly oriented to diversify the views and rhythm to the facade.

随着越来越多的农民选择了蚕茧生产,所以政府统一对农民进行了蚕桑生产的教育。With more number of farmers choosing cocoon production, it has resulted in educating farmers about sericulture output.

并注意蔟中光线均匀,防止偏光和阳光直射,确保优质蚕茧。And pay attention to nest in the light evenly to prevent polarization and direct sunlight to ensure the quality of cocoons.