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如果你想出去的话,我可以借给你一条纱巾,把脸蒙起来。If you want to go out, I can lend you a gauze to cover your face.

长发和脖颈处的粉白纱巾飘动着,脸上的表情凝固着。Fenbo Department of the waves, in the face of the expressions solidification.

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俄罗斯哥萨克舞蹈之后是霹雳舞和演绎过来的纱巾舞。Russian Cossack dancing is followed by break-dancing and an interpretive scarf dance.

封面图片是蒙在长方形黑色纱巾的一双眼睛。its cover photo is one of a pair of eyes staring through a rectangle cut in black fabric.

我为娘仨各买了一条真丝纱巾,也算作访韩的纪念品。I bought gauze kerchiefs , one each, as souvenirs for my wife and three daughters at home.

真有那种纱巾飘落可断的刀吗?如果有,香港能买到这种刀吗?Is there a Dao that can cut a gauze kerchief into two pieces when it falls down naturally?

刚才还似乎空荡荡的村庄一下子活跃了起来,窗口露出了一张张面孔,只穿着衬衣的男人们站在屋子外面凶狠地盯着我们,披黑纱巾的老妇人站在门口偷偷地瞅着我们。Faces appeared at windows. Men in shirt sleeves stood outside their houses and glared at us.

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他还喜欢拿着纱巾跟着音乐跳舞,通过'许多小鱼'的游戏来练习颜色。He also loved dancing to music with scarves and practicing colors with the 'so many fish' game!

长发和脖颈处的粉白纱巾飘动着,脸上的表情凝固着。Hair and neck scarf Fenbo Department of the waves, in the face of the expressions solidification.

如175窟的一位舞伎形象,肩披纱巾,左手上扬,右臂下垂。In the Cave No. 175 has a gauze over the shoulders, her left hand risIng and the right hand droopIng.

纱巾,小帽,长裙,这就是渴望安定的沉稳装扮的阿富汗空姐。Scarf, cap, gown, which is long for stability of the steady flight attendants dressed in Afghanistan.

日出的光芒,像一条艳丽的红纱巾,在苍茫的宇宙间轻轻浮动。The radiance of sunrise, like a strip of voluptuous red gauze headscarf, floated and drifted in indistinct outer space.

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披头纱巾披在头和肩上的一种很轻的花边或丝绸纱巾,常盖在一个很高的发髻上,为西班牙和拉丁美洲的女子使用。A lightweight lace or silk scarf worn over the head and shoulders, often over a high comb, by women in Spain and Latin America.

她一身黑色装扮,戴一条豹纹纱巾,脚踩高跟鞋——给昏暗的地图资料室增添了一抹色彩。Her outfit -- all black, complemented by a leopard scarf and matching heels -- injects some flavor into the dark-hued Map Room.

蓝天下,小平房的炊烟又冒了出来,轻轻地飘到天上,像一块纱巾,变得那么美丽迷人。Under the blue sky, the small cottage again take out of the smoke and gently moved to the sky, like a scarf, become so beautiful and charming.

窗口露出了一张张面孔,只穿着衬衣的男人们站在屋子外面凶狠地盯着我们,披黑纱巾的老妇人站在门口偷偷地瞅着我们。Faces appeared at windows. Men in shirt sleeves stood outside their houses and glared at us. Old women in black shawls peered at us from door-ways.

她解开了纱巾下面放钱地方的扣子,掏三分钱,塞进箱子,拿了一根蜡烛,嘴里用印度语念叨着祷词。She undid the knot in the end of her veil, where she kept her money, took out three cents, popped them into the box, picked up a candle and muttered a prayer in Hindustani.