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谢谢,我酒足饭饱了。Thank you, I am perfectly satisfied.

酒足饭饱的肚子是所有罪恶的源头。A full Belly is the Mother of all Evil.

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酒足饭饱之后就尽可以去摘柿子了。After a full meal and drink, it was time for persimmon picking.

享用了那顿丰盛的美餐之后,我们都酒足饭饱了。After the excellent meal, we were satiated with food and drink.

酒足饭饱后,与谋杀,狂派就查新的敌人。Having sated with murders, the maniac sends on searches of new enemies.

这个小家伙实在是太幸运了,现在看来,当时这三只雄性猎豹一定是酒足饭饱了。Luckily for the youngster, it seems these three male cheetahs simply weren't hungry.

这个最经常腹泻看到鹦鹉因为它们往往乞求即使酒足饭饱。This most often diarrhoea seen in cockatoos as they tend to beg even after satiated.

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在尽情享受美食佳酿、酒足饭饱后,是时候回到科摩了。Utterly full after gorging on the delicious meat and wine, it was time to head back to Como.

吃饱喝足,酒足饭饱,仍会被眼前的食物所迷惑Satiety, or the feeling full, having enough, being sated, gets trumped by the presence of food.

所以当你下次酒足饭饱,而服务员又推着甜品车四处转悠的时候,你就真可谓“前景堪忧”了。So next time you're stuffed and the waiter wheels around the dessert cart, know that the odds are against you.

当天夜里,我们就潜进了那家波兰人的家里,酒足饭饱后还带走了几块面包。So in the evening we sneaked along to the house of the Pole and got sufficient food and some bread to take with us.

时间无情的支配着我们,不管我们是健康还是生病,饥肠辘辘还是酒足饭饱,俄国人,美国人,还是火星人。Time rules over us without mercy not caring if we're healthy or ill, hungry or drunk. Russian , American, beings from Mars.

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时间无情地支配着我们,不管我们健康还是生病,饥肠辘辘还是酒足饭饱,俄国人,美国人还是火星人。Time rules over us without mercy , not caring if we're healthy or ill , hungry or drunk, Russian , American , beings from Mras.

据手稿开始叙述,塞利克和马库思的首次历险似乎发生在一个酒足饭饱的夜晚。From the earliest text it seems that Sedrick and Marcus's first adventures took place after a night of supping and drinking heavily.

戏的主题能否升华,客人酒足饭饱后能否实现主人的意愿,往往还要靠酒在饭局上发挥作用。The realization of the master's wishes by the guests , as well as the sublimation of the drama's theme, are often determined on wine.

戏的主题能否升华,客人酒足饭饱后能否实现主人的意愿,往往还要靠酒在饭局上发挥作用。The realization of the master’s wishes by the guests , as well as the sublimation of the drama’s theme, are often determined on wine.

利用公款吃喝或许已经是当下社会的潜规则,有时候,当酒足饭饱之后什么事情都会顺利的。Recreational activities with public fund may be a hidden rule of current society, sometimes , everything will be ok after entertainment.

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酒足饭饱,我漫步走回海滩边的别墅,一头躺到床上,一觉醒来,看到棕榈招摇,听到浪声划破珊瑚礁的宁静。Replete, I wandered back to my beachside villa, fell into the bed and woke to a view of waving palms and the surf breaking over the reef.

话说一日歇洛克福尔摩斯和华生郊外野营,酒足饭饱之余在帐中躺下呼呼,一觉醒来只见月已西斜,星斗满天。Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of wine they lay down for the night, and went to sleep.

还有那些早早来到婚宴大快朵颐酒足饭饱后在即将离席之时却质疑宴会是否符合了法规规定的人?And of him who comes early to the wedding-feast, and when over-fed and tired goes his way saying that all feasts are violation and all feasters lawbreakers?