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中国驻法使馆捐献了帐篷。China?s embassy in France donates tents.

很多人会在使馆工作。They going to be locked up in the ambassy.

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其中的三分之一都分布在这个“使馆街”。About one-third of them occupy Embassy Row.

意大利大使馆文化处,北京,中国。Italian Institute of Culture, Beijing, China.

我去过菲律宾使馆一次,就是为了好玩。I went to the Philippine embassy once, for fun.

那个政治叛逃者被一大使馆接纳避难。The political defector was refuged in an embassy.

位于燕莎区域,邻近第三使馆区。Located in Lufthansa Area, near the 3rd embassy area.

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英国使馆人员的家属已经离开伊朗。The families of British embassy staff have left Iran.

总而言之,那天大使馆内有九个“贤知阳升”成员。All in all, nine Sapiens were at the embassy that day.

使馆缴纳城市基础设施建设费。The Embassy shall pay for the city infrastructure fee.

恭请出席在使馆举行的宴会。You are invited to banquet to be given at the embassy.

一颗炸弹在使馆爆炸,数人受伤。A bomb exploded at the embassy, injuring several people.

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使馆区的伤亡数字还不清楚。Casualty figures in the embassy district remain unclear.

大多数的外国使馆都聚集在这一区.Most of the foreign embassies are clustered in this area.

我发现了一对增补的使馆安全人员。I have detected a co-opt of the consulate security system.

美国使馆于2009年成为该公司第一批顾客。The U.S. embassy became one of its first customers in 2009.

这个使馆包括两栋独立的建筑和一个住宅区。The grounds include two chancery buildings and a residence.

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我想见使馆官员,我想遣返回国。I want to talk to our embassy officers. I need repatriation.

中国驻南联盟使馆有准确无误的标识。The Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia has unmistakable markings.

通常,北京使馆区的雅宝路熙攘繁忙。YABAO ROAD in Beijing’s embassy district is normally bustling.