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评分表评定伤情的验证。Verification of wound in scoring scale.

对于切赫的伤情,他们的工作做的太好了。With Petr Cech it is amazing work they are doing.

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所有这三个人的伤情都十分严重。All three people are in a critical condition, Insp.

伤物,伤景,伤人,伤心,伤情,伤悲。Material injury, injured King, hurt, grief, injury, sad.

丹麦士兵伤情比想象的还要更严重。The Danish soldier has some of the worst injuries imaginable.

身体上他已经准备好了,只是那会冒一个伤情反复的风险。”“我不会赌这么大。”Physically he is ready, just is there a risk to have a setback.

“很不幸,伤情比我们想象的要更严重,”弗格森说。"Unfortunately it's more serious than we thought, " Ferguson said.

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本泽马说他感觉到某些部位有些疼痛,我们会关注他的伤情进展。Benzema said he was feeling some pain and we'll see how that evolves.

针对特定伤情可能开一些效果更强的止疼药。Stronger pain-relieving medication may be prescribed in certain cases.

他已经出院和队友会和了,现在正在宾馆休息,我们也不知道他的具体伤情。He is now resting at the hotel. We don't know the extent of the injury.

纽卡斯尔主帅罗德在得知欧文的伤情恢复情况后欣喜若狂。Newcastle manager Glenn Roeder was thrilled by the news of Owen's progress.

但那些有伤情的工厂应该怎么办,是个案还是整个环境呢?But what about the plants have injuries whether in stances or circumstances?

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其他的,贝尼特斯的古迪逊之行还有两个伤情的不确定因素。Elsewhere, Benitez has just two other injury doubts for the trip to Goodison.

因为梅森的伤情比较严重,所以要数周的时间才能康复。Mason's injuries were so significant that he required weeks of recovery to heal.

目的为探索脑干损伤后影响伤情进展的分子基础。Objective To investigate the molecular basis with the progress of brainstem injury.

盖伦受伤后,维德非但不顾及他的伤情,甚至会加大攻击力度。When Galen was injured, Vader ignored the boy's pain and attacked even more viciously.

我们现在为赫迪拉的伤情而焦虑,但是就此得出结论他赛季报销是荒谬的。We are upset that Khedira is hurt, but to say that he is done for the season is absurd.

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空气越来越灰冷,这城市之间迷乱着遍地伤情。Air increasingly Hui Leng, confusion between this city with streets paved with injuries.

大部分的受害者只有4岁,其中有3名孩子伤情危急。Most of the victims were 4-year-olds and three of the children were in critical condition.

不要移动重伤员,除非有伤情扩大的紧急危险。Do not move seriously injured people unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.