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早安,杰米。Good morning, Jamie.

早安,我是彩虹色的花。Morning, I'm a colorful flower.

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早安,哈米我要去尿尿!Morning, Hammy. I gotta go wee-wee!

你先过来,说声早安。But first come and say good morning.

永远别害怕,去追逐你的梦!又到周五了,早安!Never be afraid to follow your DREAM!

早安!这是文京贸易公司。Good morning. Wenjing Trading Company.

早安,光明贸易公司。Good morning, Guangming Trading Company.

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早安,杰米。现在几点了?Good morning, Jamie. What time is it now?

早安,阳光,你是我生命中唯一的光亮。Good morning sunshine, you're me only light.

早安!今天我们一起去安侯会计师事务所。Morning! We're going to visit the KPMG today.

早安,迪恩先生、太太,你一定就是小杰米了。Good morning, Mr. And Mrs. Dean, and you must be Jamie, Jr.

早安,强生制造公司。您有什么事?Good morning. This is Johnson Fabrications. May I help you?

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我现在有一碗麦片糊了。早安,我聪明的怪友们。I now have a bowl of shredded wheat paste. Hola, nerd-migos.

早安,这里是新长福。能为您效劳吗?This is " new long happiness". Good morning. May I help you?

早安。这里是正泰贸易公司。我能效劳吗?。Good morning. This is Zhengtai Trading Company. May I help you?

早安,我是XYZ公司的行销经理李杰生。Good morning. I am Jackson Lee, Marketing Manager of XYZ Company.

如果以后都见不到,那么祝你早安、午安、晚安!In case I don't see you, Good morning, Good afternoon, Good night!

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早安,我叫保罗•蓝侬,负责本公司的采购部。Good morning, I'm Paul Lennon, in charge of our Purchasing Section.

她去参加“早安美国”节目时,学习了一点钢琴技巧。When she was on 'Good Morning America, ' she was given piano lessons.

如果明天不能见面,那么早安,午安,晚安。If you can not meet tomorrow , so good morning, good afternoon, good night.