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你们是住店客人吗?Are you in ?house guests?

非住店客人是否可以使用健身中心?Can non-in-house guests use Fitness Center?

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我们的保险箱只为住店客人提供服务。Our safe service is for stay-in guests only.

先生,晚上过得开心,并祝您在住店期间过得愉快。Have a nice evening, sir. And enjoy your stay.

对不起,先生,花园只提供给住店客人使用。Sorry, sir. The Garden is for in-house Guest only.

是的,住店客人早餐一律免费。Yes, we do. Breakfast is free for all hotel guests.

因为我们没钱吃东西也没钱住店。Cause we have no money for food and no money for a doss.

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非住店客人是否可以在酒店寄存行李?Can non-in-house guests store their luggage in our hotel?

何父住店多日,整日唉声叹气。What parent stay for several days, moan and groan all day.

酒店为住店客人提供免费擦鞋服务。The hotel provides free shoe shining service for its guests.

我们还为住店客人提供机场接送服务。We also provide Airport pickup-drop and trip to Lumbini and Tilaurakot.

此卡仅供住店的客人使用,在酒店内签单时,请出示此卡。The card can only be used by the signed guest. Please present this card when signing bills.

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请问您是住店客人吗?或者您可以出示酒店的贵宾吗?May I many you are resident guest on not ? would you please show me the hotel V. I. P. card?

有的.先生.每一个住店者都可以有这个服务.你想要叫醒.是吗?Yes, sir.Anyone who stays in our hotel can ask for the service.Would you like a morning call?

他认识每个人.我们去同一个餐馆吃饭,也经常一起去旅社住店.He knew everyone. We’d go out to the same restaurants and often hang out together in the same hotels.

所有住店费用,包括房租、通迅费、洗衣费及其他费用,由宾客在离店时结清。All the charges including room rate, communication, laundry and others should be checked out for departure.

提醒一下,有的酒店提供免费的旅游车到其它景区,住店时别忘打听清楚。Remind, some hotel provides free rv to other scenic spot, don't forget to ask to be clear about when hotel.

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如果你接到电话在您住店期间,只有手机响起来避免妨碍离你最近的其他人。And if you get a phone call during your stay, only the phone nearest you rings to avoid disturbing other people.

而在香港同等级别的任何一家酒店,只要你进门,就会得到专业的服务,更不要说是住店的客人了。Hong Kong hotels of that class treat walk-ins, to say nothing of actual paying guests, with more professionalism.

这是酒店允许住店客人和非住店客人作担保或为住店客人结帐的政策。It is the policy of the hotel to allow in-house or out-side guests to guarantee or pay for other in-house guests.