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恐惧下巴。Fear of chins.

下巴触须不存在。Chin barbel absent.

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他冲我下巴打了一拳。He hit me on the chin.

我冲他的下巴打了一拳。I hit him on the chin.

我的牙和下巴疼。My teeth and jaw hurt.

他有一个向后缩的下巴。He has a receding chin.

那拳击手的下巴松了下来。The boxer's jaw went slack.

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她扬起下巴。She jutted her chin forward.

请把扣子扣到下巴。Please button up to the chin.

哦卖糕,我的下巴掉到桌子上了。OMG my chin fell on the table!

他用手托着下巴。He cupped his chin in his hand.

他的下巴凸出很多。His chin juts out rather a lot.

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我下巴疼,我也不知道是怎么回事。My jaw aches. I don't know why.

一些笑,下巴要抬起,另一些,则需要稍微掉下巴。The chin rises with some smiles

他打呵欠打得下巴关节脱了臼。He yawned his jaws out of joint.

在打架时,他的下巴被打裂了。His jaw was broken in the fight.

丹若有所思地摩挲着下巴。Dan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

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一滴滴的油顺着他的下巴流下。Gobs of grease ran down his chin.

他用手摩挲着下巴。He rubbed his chin with his hand.

我吃惊得下巴都掉了!My jaw dropped and hit the floor!