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他非常讨厌多愁善感无病呻吟。He has a strong dislike for the sentimental.

好吧,这是一个关于无病呻吟的故事。Well um, it's about a sickly, sentimental story.

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大多数时候人们总是在无病呻吟。Sometimes people always make a fuss about nothing.

这类人经常无病呻吟或者抱怨所有。This type likes to moan and complain about everything.

这样这个区永远没有好内容,只有一些无病呻吟。This is never good content in this area, only some fuss.

而我们可笑的无病呻吟却从不停止。However, this amusing symptom of ours never seems to stop.

不要无病呻吟,否则我就叫你的兄弟来把你带走。No moping , or I'm calling your brothers to come and get you.

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习惯了无病呻吟,把无聊演绎成一种情调。Accustomed to making a fuss, the dull interpreted as a kind of mood.

现在他无病呻吟的盛名却使他成了吸引她浓厚兴趣的目标。But his eminence as a valetudinarian now made him an object of engrossing interest, and Mrs.

劳动密集性行业,使我们失去了很多业余时间,生活似乎处于无病呻吟状。The labor-intensive industry has taken up too much spare time. Life seems in a morbit state.

厌倦那些无病呻吟的语句。我开始闭口可这些孤独还在肆无忌惮。Tired of those imaginary ills in words. I began to silent but these lonely in without scruple.

不能用传统的思维来埋怨什么,这就是无病呻吟了。If you still complain in traditional thinking way, that's making a fuss about an imaginary illness.

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简单地把“私小说”斥为作家个人感情的无病呻吟是不公平的。It is unfair to criticize the "private novel" as an affected pose of the writer's personal emotion.

要写真实情感的自然流露,不可做作和无病呻吟。To write the true natural expression of emotions, can not be affected and moan and groan without being ill.

现在,很多反映种族主义的作品都遮遮掩掩地通过讽刺来表达,或是是抒情意味过浓,给人无病呻吟的感觉,像气体一样无力。Much literary writing today about racism is cloaked in irony or in so much lyricism that it becomes gaseous.

但是我们拥有习惯和风格,我们很坦率,有时我们不能抱怨和无病呻吟。But we all have our quirks and style. We are very transparent and sometimes we can't help moaning and groaning about things.

文字源于结绳或始于八卦的说法,真的是诸先贤捕风捉影或无病呻吟吗?Text from the end of the rope or at the Eight Diagrams, the sages are really all based on hearsay evidence or making a fuss of it?

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因此,王昌龄的送别诗并非一般的应景之作,更非无病呻吟、舞文弄墨的文字游戏,而是诗人情感的坦诚流露、灵魂的真实写照。Therefore his farewell poems are not mere formality or word playing of groan but the true clear espression of feeling and the description of soul.

处于社会最下层的我说不出这种无病呻吟的话,因为已经无话可说了幸福的到来,远远没有人们想象得那样简单。In the social bottom I cannot tell what this moan and groan without being ill, because it has no words to say happiness comes, far from people's imagination so simple.

大家每天都无病呻吟,在空间里写着各种纠结的文字,明明十分幼稚,根本就不老还不停的叹老。Everybody moans without being ill every day, is writing the writing in the space which each kind intertwines, extremely is obviously weak, is not old does not stop sighs old.