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要是您知道就好了!If you only knew!

要是下雨了怎么办?What if it rains?

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要是你,你也会很开心的。You'd be happy, too.

我米琴要是让你生气呢?I Meachen If you mad?

你要是点歌,And you request songs,

我要是知道的话,就是王八蛋。I am blowed if I know.

要是你吸烟,赶紧戒吧。If you smoke, stop it.

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要是情况变得更糟……?What if it gets worse?

要是天气转晴的话。When the sky is clear.

嗨,我要是知道该怎麽申请就好了。Hah! I wish I knew how.

要是换我大牛设计。If I were the designer.

要是你需要拥抱咋办?What if you need a hug?

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要是知道我还打电话给你!Cici wants to talk to you.

雨要是停了有多好!I wish the rain would stop!

要是牙齿松动怎摸办?What if the tooth is loose?

要是赢了的话,我可以好好潇洒一把。I could use that extra cash.

要是被我抓到,你们就死定了!If I catch you, you've dead.

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要是被政府军抓住怎么办?What if the SPDC caught him?

是的,要是你喜欢大牙的话。Yeah, if you like big teeth.

但要是你讨厌门诊环境,but if you hate being in it,