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下一班装货将鼓足干劲。The loading will go on in full swing next shift.

中国人民鼓足干劲建设社会主义。Chinese people go all out the construction socialism.

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他们健康、幸福,正在鼓足干劲建设社会主义。Healthy and happy, they are going all out to build socialism.

弗雷迪·永贝里希望队友能在新赛季中鼓足干劲,更加专注地打好比赛。Freddie Ljungberg wants his side to "get stuck in" more this season.

让我们鼓足干劲,瞄准先进,努力奋斗,去争取育才更加美好的未来。L et 's go all out, aim high, and active for a better future of yucai.

要我们鼓足干劲,一天完成任务是很难的。It was hard for us to get up enough steam to finish the work in one day.

假如结果不如人意,那正是让我更加鼓足干劲的理由。If results are not what we want, that is even a bigger motivation to fight.

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公司会继续不懈努力,鼓足干劲,争取以更优质的产品和服务回报社会。The company will continue to unremitting efforts, going all out for with more high-quality product and service social returns.

我爱我的家乡,我爱它的人民。他们也已经改变了。他们健康、幸福,正在鼓足干劲建设社会主义。I love my hometown, and I love its people. They also have changed. Healthy and happy, they are going all out to build socialism.

沈董的讲话使大家深受鼓舞,公司全体职员纷纷表示要以新一年工作目标为指导方针,鼓足干劲,奋发有为,更好更快地把园区各项事业推向前进。Chairman Shen's speech inspired all of the staff, who indicated that they would strive to propel all the business forward towards the goals of the coming year.

从这方面看,我国现代快餐的发展仍然任重道远,需要我们鼓足干劲,不懈努力,再上新台阶。From the aspects of China's modern look, the development of fast food is still a long-term task, and we need to get up the energy, unremitting efforts and then a new step.

正当施工人员鼓足干劲,建设一个新的高层酒店和一个装饰有许多老挝塔器的具有传统风格的购物广场的时候,飞地的经济已经崩溃。The enclave's economy seems to have collapsed just as the builders hit their stride with a new high-rise hotel and a shopping centre bristling with columns in the classical style.