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一个坐在那里傻瞪着眼,活像一座木乃伊。That one sits staring like a mummy.

你现在难过的样子活像弃妇。Now you look like an abandoned woman.

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他活像我从前认识的一个人。He is the image of someone I used to know.

约翰那模样好惨,活像一只落水的老鼠。John looked piteous , like a drowned mouse.

那艘巨轮活像一幢浮动的大楼。The great ship was like a floating building.

小船活像一条开了水皮的打跳的梭鱼。The boat looked like a pike gliding on the river.

他看来活像啃骨头的老狗。He looked just like an old dog gnawing on a bone.

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有时会上下跳跃,活像一个俏皮的孩儿。Sometimes at the next jump, looks like a playful baby.

这个家伙看起来活像个蓬头垢面的蜘蛛猴变种人。This guy looked like a beaten-up spider-monkey mutant.

他甩着袖子去追两个女孩,那滑稽的模样活像蝙蝠。He flapped after the girls, looking ludicrously bat-like.

有一次他看到地上一张纸几乎大叫起来,猛一看这张纸活像一具死尸。Once he nearly screamed at a piece of paper on the ground.

哈里顿抬头呆望着,抓抓他的头活像个傻瓜。Hareton stared up, and scratched his head like a true clown.

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这条黑色的狗,长的高高大大,看起来活像一只狼。这是一个由。The dog, which is black, big, and strong, looks like a wolf.

作品介绍/这顶帽子活像是假发,与脸上的小圆点相映成趣。This hat is liking a wig, creatively set off by the dots on his face.

冬瓜的形状是椭圆形的,长长的,大大的,活像一个可爱的小娃娃。Wax gourd shape is oval, long, large, looked like a cute little doll.

而这两个国家的人却表现得活像他们自己的讽刺漫画。Yet here are two nations acting like living caricatures of themselves.

你妈是个丑八怪,活像个嚼咬黄蜂的大笨象。Yo momma's so ugly, she looks like the elephant man chewing on a wasp.

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他的样子活像一位年轻的哲学家,思考着孩子们游戏的无用性。He appeared like a young philosopher meditating on the futility of games.

他对铁路公司的痛恨时常叫他气得发抖,活像一根脆弱、枯萎的芦草。At times his hatred of the railroad shook him like a crisp and withered reed.

放眼望去,整个海底活像是一幅立体的世界地图。Looking ahead, like the whole seabed is a three-dimensional map of the world.