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“你是谁”博士?Dr. Who?

坎农博士说。Dr. Cannon said.

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巴格曼博士说。Dr. Bargmann said.

对此,北村博士有什么建议呢?Kitamura's advice?

欢迎韦斯特博士。Welcome Doctor West.

博士茶是什么茶?。What is Rooibos Tea?

谁是皮姆斯勒博士?Who is Dr. Pimsleur?

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你一定是杨博士吧。You must be Dr Yang.

你认识王博士么?Do you know Dr. Wang?

艾萨克斯博士警告我。Dr. Isaacs warned me.

所以波尔得到了一个博士学位。So, Niels had a Ph.D.

史密斯博士,谢谢你。Thank you, Dr. Smith.

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施耐德博士说。” says Dr. Schneider.

这是什么博士蔡?What is this,Dr. Tsai?

埃德尔曼博士对此表示异议。Dr. Alderman disagrees.

劳伦特博士问。Dr. Laurent questioned.

波利博士也有计划。Dr Bolli, too, has plans.

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史密斯博士,我们要走了。Dr. Smith, we have to go.

史班赛博士告诉观察员,“这是令人兴奋的消息。”It is very exciting news.

哈金斯博士是民主党人。Dr. Huggins is a Democrat.