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但是x的值是多少呢?还是。It's still 3.

多少个孩子呀?How many kids?

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有多少个悠悠球?How many yo-yos?

那vxt是多少?What is vx of t?

车费是多少钱?What’s the fare?

无限是多少?What is infinity?

均值是多少What is the mean?

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我的预算是多少?What is my budget?

现在比分多少/几比几了?What is the score?

产率是多少?What is the yield?

软度多少钱一张?How much is a soft?

巧合知多少!What a Coincidence!

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高是多少?What is the height?

代币一枚多少钱?How much is a token?

这支笔多少钱?How much is the pen?

多少钱一克?How much per a gram?

多少胡萝卜Or how many carrots?

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我的上传下载比例是多少?。So, what's MY ratio?

你的体重多少?What is your weight?

是吗?罚多少钱?。Do I? How much is it?