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汽车蜡?Car wax?

我是个罗曼蒂克的人,经常为汽车写诗。I'm a romantic.

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汽车花线“,”Automobile Wire.

汽车在1885年被发明。The car in 1885.

汽车有灯。A car has lights.

不再需要汽车。No need for cars.

抑或是汽车和电缆?Or cars or cables?

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那辆汽车疾驰而去。The car sped away.

这辆汽车是谁的?Whose car is that?

一辆汽车驶来,接走了她。A car picks her up.

碧沙汽车销售。Bayside Auto Sales.

火柴盒汽车赛跑.Race matchbox cars.

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她有一辆微型汽车。She has a baby car.

汽车沿着道路排列。Cars lined the road.

汽车轰轰隆隆急驶而过。The car roared past.

我们有几部汽车。We own several cars.

一辆汽车在我们身旁飞驶而过溅了我们满身泥。A car dashed past us.

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卡拉汉汽车服务。Callahan car service.

马斯达将禁止汽车。Masdar will ban cars.

汽车尽行区。Car not-friendly zone.