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火鸡万岁!Viva la turkey!

买一个火鸡浇油管。Buy a turkey baster.

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他们吃了火鸡吗?Did they eat turkey?

雄火鸡会做什么呢?What do male turkeys do?

接着把您的火鸡剪下来。Then, cut out your turkey.

他们这里的火鸡非常棒。They have great turkey here.

我想吃火鸡和南瓜饼。I like turkey and pumpkin pie.

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他用土豆来养肥火鸡。He fattens turkeys on potatoes.

火鸡赦免仪式上的诚实Honesty at the Turkey Pardoning

他们全吃光了那只火鸡。They simply demolished the turkey.

火鸡,诸多禽类里的一种,实实在在的代表了资本主义费城的价值观。Truly, a one-per-cent kind of bird.

他们在炭火上烤火鸡。They broiled a turkey over charcoal.

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用铝箔把火鸡缠绕起来。Wrap the turkey up in aluminum foil.

我把火鸡放在水槽退冰。I had the turkey thawing in the sink.

还没有,火鸡正在烹饪中。Not yet. The turkey is still cooking.

我把火鸡放在水槽退冰。I hadj the turkey thawing in the sink.

双鱼座希望能单独和火鸡过感恩节。Pisces wants to be one with the turkey.

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火鸡或鸡腿总是很快被抢光。The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten.

好景不常,一位农夫发现这只火鸡。Soon he was promptly spotted by a farmer.

火鸡也同样成为了常年性食物。Turkey has also become a year-round food.