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经老五叔妙手回春,小豆子终于能说话了。The older uncle buttoned, small beans finally able to speak.

假如这种疾病已扩散得厉害,医生也无法妙手回春。Doctors cannot effect a cure if the disease has spread too far.

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只有这两位医师能够妙手回春。The two physicians alone could offer any hops when danger was extreme.

她是个妙手回春的民间医生。It was said that she was as effective as god, bringing the dying back to life.

这位医生妙手回春,不少耳聋的人经治疗复聪了。The doctor is highly competent, many patients recover their lost hearing after receiving treatment.

为了感谢朱医生妙手回春的医术,患者家属送来了一面锦旗。The relatives of the patient sent a silk banner as a way to thank doctor Zhu for his excellent skills.

史蒂夫·乔布斯用其妙手回春之手救苹果公司于危难之中,堪称大手笔,称他为苹果公司的执牛耳者也毫不为过。Steve Jobs did a masterful job of rescuing Apple from near-certain demise and is clearly a driving force behind the company.

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有时,当我和尼克收拾完一辆刚刚被他妙手回春的汽车之后,我会向自己发誓要结束我和玛丽安之间的关系。Sometimes, as Nick and I buttoned up a car he’d just brought back from the dead, I’d promise myself Mary Ann and I were over.

导致该基金项下的资产降到了危险点以下。联邦存款保险公司要赶紧在90天内妙手回春补齐不足。This has pushed the fund's holdings below a trigger point that requires the FDIC to craft a "restoration" plan within 90 days.

一些所谓的“外星人质”本来就十分富于想象力。他们宣称自己看到过鬼,而且能够通灵或者妙手回春。Several of the alien abductees were already prone to fanaticizing and also claimed to have seen ghosts and have psychic or healing abilities.

不过,还有些医生并不认可颗粒检测,他们觉得这种方法不能普及应用,有时他们会对无计可施的病人采用这种检测办法,来看看是否有妙手回春的可能。Still, even some doctors who don't think particle testing is for the masses say they use it sometimes to tip the scales on a borderline patient.

当年喜欢它的原因是因为那副在当时看来不同凡响且妙手回春的设计,从单调保守得可称做四轮盒子的前辈中脱胎而来。The reason behind this was that at that time it was a radical and revitalizing departure from the conventional drab box on wheels that it replaced.

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自学医术的成功在母亲的生命极限内,妙手回春,治好了母亲的重症肌无力,这是怎样的一种奇迹啊!The success of self-study medicine in the mother's life within the limit, shut when the mother's cure myasthenia gravis, which is a kind of miracle ah!

过了些时候,耶稣回到了加利利海,一大群曾目睹他那妙手回春的神迹的人追随著他。Some time later Jesus withdrew to the farther shore of the Sea of Galilee, and a large crowd of people followed who had seen the signs he performed in healing the sick.

而对于拉法本人来说,如果能够在冬季转会窗通过一些办法妙手回春,也许本赛季以来对他的质疑声就能够消退。And for Benitez, a bit of shrewd operating in the transfer market may go some way to help remove the sense of negativity which has surrounded the Spaniard pretty much all season.