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我们的记者经常出生入死。Our journalists are constantly at risk of death.

为了他的祖国他愿意出生入死。He is willing to die for the sake of his country.

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如果你确实想要出生入死的感觉,结婚去!If you do wanna go through fire and water, get married.

愿意跟着美国队长出生入死吗?You ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death?

战士们在战场上出生入死。Soldiers go through fire and water together in the battlefield.

为夺取该座堡垒,士兵都出生入死。The soldiers went through hell and high water to capture the fort.

许多人,甚至是年轻人都心甘情愿地为他出生入死。Many people, even youth, were willing to sacrifice themselves for him.

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鲍勃十分渴望重温以前那种出生入死的超人生活。Bob is eager to review the previous Superman kind of go through fire and life.

回想这么多年来,钟小娴跟随自己出生入死,从未有过半点退缩。Back over the years, Zhong Xiaoxian fight with her, has never been any withdrawal.

他参军以来,出生入死屡建功劳。He has distinguished himself many times at the risk of life since he joined the army.

它们指出了终生有益且迈向快乐福祉的航向,让我们勇往直前、镇定平安地出生入死。They point the way to usefulness and happiness in life, to courage and peace in death.

每个战士不能只想着自己,也要想着身边一起出生入死的战友。Shits'. " Each man must not think only of himself, but also of his buddy fighting beside him."

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我深爱着这座城市还有这里的人们,因为那段烽火岁月中我与他们在战场上一起出生入死。I love the city and the people here. I've been with them for many years and I fought alongside them.

三个既是好拍档又是好朋友的CTU女干探,如何出生入死,打击恐怖活动?These three angels are good friends and partners. In 'Angels of Mission', they unite to fight terrorism.

他们也是生死伴侣,关键时刻不问原因的互助,出生入死的完成一次次任务。They also mate for life and death, critical moment implicity of mutual aid, who gets to complete the task.

钟离这些天的心情很不好,她无法接受接受一起出生入死的伙伴自相残杀。The clock is in a bad mood these days, she could not accept accept fought together partners kill each other.

汉接受了起义军同盟的临时上校军衔,和起义军一起出生入死。Han received an acting rank of captain in the Alliance, and accompanied the Rebels on numerous missions and adventures.

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当一起出生入死的战友倒在军人的面前,那种感觉是常人无法感受的。As with the risk one's life in comrade fell to the soldiers in front of the kind of feeling is that ordinary people can not feel.

然而,美国人常问,“基地”组织的头目在邻国巴基斯坦,我们为什么要我们的年轻人在阿富汗出生入死?Yet Americans often ask, why do we ask our young men and women to risk their lives in Afghanistan when al-Qaida’s leadership is in neighboring Pakistan?

苦难的芸芸众生,我们要去救,必定要出生入死,非常危险,我们也没有埋怨。Great Compassion is without complaints. We must save all suffering sentient beings. No matter how difficult or dangerous it is we still have no complaints.