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知道了,让我来修修看。OK. Let me fix it.

要不要把两边修修齐?Shall I neaten up the side?

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你能帮我修修自行车吗?Could you repair my bicycle?

我凉鞋坏了,你能给修修吗?Can you fix my broken sandal?

我想让你修修我的车。I want you to repaire my car.

我只想修修,不要理得太短。I suppose so. A haircut, please.

你的自行车需好好修修了。Your bike has to be mended well.

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那么,你可以去修修冰箱门吧?Well then, could you fix the fridge door?

明天我打算找人修修我的表。I am going to have my watch repaired tomorrow.

我的收音机坏了,你能给我修修吗?My radio is out of order. Could you fix it up?

我自行车的轮胎瘪了,我得叫人帮我修修。I've got a flat tire on my bike, so I should have it repaired.

学习飞钓,修修家居设施或练练障碍赛马。Learn fly-fishing, how to repair your appliances or handicap horses.

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这个络子坏了,线总缠死到里面,你拿去修修吧。This spindle is broken. The thread always tangles there. Please have it repaired.

我们按自己的方式生活着,每天送送孩子上学,修修草坪、看看球赛。We go about our day taking our kids to school, mowing our lawns, and watching football.

她很是喜欢她的工作,主要就是修修台电机,她并不“聪明”却喜欢用自己的双手在家里鼓捣机器。She was " not clever ", but was fond of using her hands and felt at home with machinery.

恐怕你不大喜欢你那只笔,让我给你修修吧,我修得好极了。I'm afraid you do not like your pen, let me mend it for you, I mend pens remarkably well.

除石油钻台农夫外,2011年最好职业另有钢铁农、砍木农、屋顶修修农、和入租车司机。The least desirable jobs along with roustabout for 2011 are iron worker, lumberjack, roofer and taxi driver, it said.

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也许你会修修窗户,清理通风口,翻新或者清理你的家具,或者刷新你的房间。You may be repairing the window seals, cleaning out vents, reupholstering or cleaning furniture, or painting one or more rooms.

有时去村庄修修武器,同时看看老朋友。你看到过修道院的驮马,也听说过库吉特人的精湛骑术,不过是不想去碰那个怪摸样的动物。You live in the forest not far from the Nord city of Wercheg, rarely visiting villages for weapon repair and to see old friends.

他继续劝说着,“拿口锅修修吧,不管是瘪了的还是有洞的,我都能修得象新的一样,这样你就不用买新锅了。Take a pot, " he continued earnestly, "a bent pot, or a pot with a hole. I can make it like new so you don't have to buy no new ones.