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让我们看看每一个月食的情况。Let's lookat each eclipse individually.

我们获分配的白米够一个月食用。The rice they gave us lasted for a month.

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如果空气很清新,那么月食就会很明亮。If the air is very clear, the eclipse is bright.

那么日食或月食又意味着什么?好运,坏运?。Then what does Solar Eclipse or Lunar Eclipse mean?

月食发生的频率平均是6个月一次。Lunar eclipses occur, on average, about every 6 months.

你会在凌晨2点把全家从被窝里拽出来看月食。You drag the family out of bed at 2AM to watch a lunar eclipse.

在邻近的孟加拉国,月食观察家出来趋之若鹜。In neighbouring Bangladesh, eclipse watchers came out in droves.

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月食的发生,是由于地球的影子落在月球上。A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth's shadow falls on the moon.

我们会说日月食是促进改变的契机。We tell you that Eclipses are opportunities for energizing change.

日月食会检验我们的决心和关系的牢固程度。Eclipses test the strength of our resolve and of our relationships.

期间还有一位天文学家乘坐热气球离开巴黎,去观看月食One astronomer actually left Paris to go off and to observe an eclipse.

科学家表示本次月食裸眼观测是安全的。Scientists said the eclipse could be safely observed with the naked eye.

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同样地,月食一定出现在望日,即农历十五。Similarly, the eclipse will appear in Wangri that the Lunar New Year 15.

日月食期间适合于向内观察、疗愈、释放和重建。The eclipses are a time to look inward, to heal, release and restructure.

与日食不同,裸眼看月食是安全的。Unlike solar eclipses, lunar eclipsesare safe to watch with the naked eye.

与日食不同,裸眼看月食是安全的。Unlike solar eclipses, lunar eclipses are safe to watch with the naked eye.

周三晚上的这次月食是2010年12月20号之前最后一次月全食。Wednesday's event will be the last total lunar eclipse until Dec. 20, 2010.

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有许多种8月5日月食的影响你可以感受到。There are various ways you may feel the effects of this eclipse of August 5.

下一个日月食季在2009年的一月,届时将出现日环食。The next eclipse season begins in January 2009 with an annular solar eclipse.

天文学家能算出什么时候有日食、月食。Astronomers can calculate when there will be eclipses of the sun and the moon.