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他是幕后指使人。He's the man behind the scenes.

你知道是谁指使的这场杀戮么?Do you know who was behind the killing?

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我听说他很爱指使人的。I heard that he love to boss people around.

唉呀!我听说他很爱指使人。Oh!I heard that he loves to boss people around.

唉呀!我听说他很爱指使人!Oh! I heard that he loves to boss people around.

如果奥斯瓦尔德真的是单独行动,那么是受谁的指使?And if Oswald did act alone, who gave him the orders?

我姐姐在家里总是指使我,完全是她掌权。My sister always bosses me around. She’s on a power trip.

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它的信众成百上千,都被指使不参与投票选举。Its members, who numbered in the hundreds, were instructed not to vote.

事发后,李英还指使他人作伪证包庇自己的劣迹。After the incident, Lee also directs others Perjury up their own misdeeds.

这是一个什么样的组织?是谁指使他们来杀我们的?This is a what kind of union?BE who straight them to come to annihilate ours?

源自中国境内、但未明确受到中国政府指使的间谍活动算吗?Or espionage from within China, but not specifically directed by its government?

文本分析是指使计算机能够从文本中提取意义的过程。Text analysis is the process of enabling computers to extract meaning from text.

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独眼龙将王怀锷指使他如何陷害景逵的实情和盘供出。The one eyed Wang Huaie directs the truth of how he framed and disc for Jing kui.

独立之后我们将不再听候殖民宗主国的吆喝和指使。After independence we would no longer be at the beck and call of the colonial master.

教唆、指使他人帮助自己毁灭、伪造证据的,不构成帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪的共犯。It is not a crime to goad or incite others to help himself to damage of forge proofs.

居住环境的舒适性指使用上和视觉上的感受。The comfort of the housing environments refers to the feelings when using and seeing.

万一他们失手,让那些马贼知道是由你们指使的,你们想那些马贼会怎么样?What if the horse thieves give him a pounding and come after you. What'll happen then?

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裁判官表示,被告始至终都没有透露背后是否有人指使。Magistrate said the defendent had never disclosed who was the mastermind behind the move.

您是否曾经指使、煽动、从事、协助或以其他方式参与过种族灭绝?Have you ever ordered, incited, committed, assisted, or otherwise participated in genocide?

林士群带上刘五他们指认潘达,刘五他们都说是潘达指使自己烧仓库的。Lin Shiqun take five they identify pan liu, liu five they say is pan of letting their warehouse.