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有时神透过大海怒涛发言。Sometime God speaks through storming sea.

怒涛几乎吞没了这条船。An angry billow almost swallowed the ship.

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怒涛几乎吞没了那条船。An angry billow almost swallowed that ship.

在怒涛中,鸟妈妈安坐在她的巢穴中——如此和谐安宁。In the bush a mother bird had built her nest.

此事件在瑞典掀起了怒涛。This event caused a wave of indignation in Sweden.

怒涛滚滚,奔泻千里。An angry torrent rolls thunderously on for a thousand li.

土库曼枪骑兵装备锋利骑枪和狼牙棒,如怒涛狂涌,锐不可当。Turkish heavy cavalry with lance and mace to deal punishment.

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我惧怕他们正如千寻的悬崖惧怕那冲击它的怒涛一般。I fear them as the beetling cliff fears the waves that thunder at its feet.

没有哪块大陆能够阻挡南海的怒涛。但海鸟却能在狂风席卷的小岛上筑巢安家。No landmass slows the swell of the southern oceans. Sea birds nest on wind-lashed islands.

在美国北卡罗来纳州的外海岸,一名男子正在观看由飓风激起的怒涛击打着罗丹特码头。A man watches as hurricane-roiled surf pounds Rodanthe Pier in North Carolina's Outer Banks.

战争造成南越护航舰“怒涛”号沉没和另外一艘护卫舰重创。The battle resulted in one South Vietnamese corvette being sunk, and another heavily damaged.

基督徒啊,不要效法约拿,除非你希望巨浪怒涛淹没你。Christian, do not play the Jonah, unless you wish to have all the waves and the billows rolling over your head.

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我们站在这里默默地,窥视画笔,怒涛下面,我们几乎没有注意到它已经开始细雨。As we stood there silently, peering into the brush, the waves crashing below, we barely noticed that it had begun drizzling.

特别是每年中秋前后有钱塘江潮,怒涛奔腾、激流汹涌,蔚为天下大观。Especially round the Moon Festival every year one can enjoy the raging tidal bore which is a most spectacular natural phenomenon.

因而激越悠扬、慷慨奔放,时而有如怒涛旋转翻滚,时而又如瀑布急泻直下。Therefore agitation melodious, generous unrestrained, and sometimes like a raging billows roll rotation, and sometimes falls and if the plunge Mashimo.

他闭上眼睛,把他的意识送入到银色的怒涛之中,感觉它就像液态的闪电一样流过他的身体。He closed his eyes and sent his consciousness diving inward towards the waiting pool of silver rage, felt it race like liquid lightning through his blood.

他们坚定而自信,在困难和危险的时刻,为了国家利益挺身而出,如同一面危崖迎击拍岸的怒涛。They had fortitude and self-reliance, and, in time of difficulty or peril, stood up for the welfare of the state like a line of cliffs against a tempestuous tide.