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我喜欢做日光浴。I like to sunbathe.

我爱晒日光浴。I adore sun-bathing.

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我喜欢在草地上做日光浴。I'm gonna go sunbathe, okay?

我要好好享受一次日光浴。I'll treat myself to a sunbath.

狗为什么害怕沭日光浴?。Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe?

我要好好享受一下日光浴。I will treat myself to a sunbath.

帕丁顿有一场日光浴!Paddington was having a sunbathe!

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这是他做日光浴的花园。This is the garden he sunbathed in.

避免日光浴床和太阳灯。Avoid sunlamps and tanning parlours.

你也可以充分的享受哪里的日光浴。You can also get a good sun-tan there.

他宁愿晒日光浴也不去游泳。He wanted to sunbathe rather than swim.

日光浴把我晒得黝黑了。The sunbed make me as brown as a berry.

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我们在一个僻静的小海滩上沐日光浴。We sunbathed on a small secluded beach.

他宁愿晒日光浴,也不愿去游泳。He wanted to sunbathe rather than to swim.

游客晒着日光浴在海水里嬉戏。Tourists sunbathe and frolic in the ocean.

沐日光浴的甲板上挤满了度假者。The sundeck was crowded with holiday-makers.

不管多炎热,爱咪享受日光浴。Amy basks in the sun no matter how hot it is.

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越来越多的日光浴者用上了防晒霜。More and more sunbathers are using sunscreen.

在白色的沙滩晒日光浴更是难得的享受。Sunbathers delight in the white-sand beaches.

猫咪还可享受到修甲、按摩和日光浴。They also get a nail shape, massage and shine.