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你在找碴吗?。Are you baffling me?

你真的很爱找碴耶。You really love nitpick.

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你真的很爱找碴耶。You really love to nitpick.

鲍博总是找碴打架。Bob is always starting something.

他今天是来找碴的。He is here to pick a fight today.

两个人开始对骂,韩志杰找碴。Two people started to yell, Jeff han feathers.

任何找碴打起架来的人就会立刻被撵出去。Anyone who starts picking fights is out at once.

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“这个家伙要找碴,”波波维奇面无表情的说,“他站在我们新闻发布会的中间”"The guy is going to kick our ass, " Popovich deadpanned , "and then come in the middle of my news conference?"

看到校霸跟一个你不认识的人找碴,袖手旁观是一回事,与别人一起分享奶酪条是另一回事。It's one thing to turn a blind eye to a bully picking on someone you don't know. It's another thing when you've shared a cheese stick.

我忘却了动物所受的苦,只为了将牠们当食物看待,而且我也厌倦了在每餐吃饭时被嘲笑或被找碴。I forgot about the pain that animals endure just to wind up as food, and I was tired of being made fun of or nagged at during every meal.