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那我们就节衣缩食吧。We'll scrimp and save.

我取消了信用卡,生活开始节衣缩食。I canceled the credit card, and began to live more frugally.

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我将要离婚了,该如何节衣缩食用来支付生活费呢?I’m going through a divorce. How is contemplating my navel going to help pay alimony?

你为夏威夷之旅节衣缩食,最后终于可以在一家体面的饭店预订一个部分海景房。Good morning. This is Hilton Hotel. Can I help you?--- I would like to reserve rooms at your hotel.

没人愿意在信用卡的利息上花钱或是节衣缩食少这少那。Nobody likes paying interest on a credit card, or having to go without something that seems essential.

如果这场经济下滑只持续一两年,那么这群人的心态可能会使其熬过节衣缩食之痛。If the downturn lasts only a year or two the attitudes of such people may survive the pain of retrenchment.

节衣缩食的生活越来越少了,然而物质并不会增加我们的幸福感。Part of living frugally is getting by with less. Especially stuff that really does not add to our happiness.

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人们节衣缩食,也就是以一种仅足维持生命的清苦方式成长着。One vegetates , that is to say, one develops in a certain mea GRE fashion, which is, however, sufficient for life.

你有了决心要解决一个问题,自然会节衣缩食去买书,自然会想出法子来购置仪器。When you have a firm resolution and determination to solve a problem, you will naturally economize on food and clothing.

对于那些节衣缩食乃至忍饥挨饿供子女上大学的家庭说来,这是一个大大的失望。For families that scrimped, saved and in some cases starved to send their kids to college, this is a huge disappointment.

伊斯顿失业时,为了不到万不得已时不赊帐,他们只得节衣缩食。When Easton was unemployed they HAD to stint themselves so as to avoid getting further into debt than was absolutely necessary.

那些抵押贷款额超过了房屋价值的负债累累的消费者,是否会长期节衣缩食?Will there be a protracted retrenchment among heavily indebted consumers who carry mortgages bigger than the value of their homes?

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债务是一笔负担,为了偿还一部分债务,节衣缩食几年是值得的,甚至是延迟毕业时间。Debt is such a burden that it's worth scrimping for a few years, and even delaying graduate school, to pay off at least some of the debt.

债务是一个沉重的负担,因此好几年时间的节衣缩食,甚至推迟念研究生的计划来偿还至少部分的债务,都是值得的。Debt is such a burden that it's worth scrimping for a few years, and even delaying graduate school, to pay off at least some of the debt.

因此,在这个哀鸿遍野的时刻,就应该沉住气,节衣缩食地过日子,以静待股市回春。The bear market always goes easy and comes easy. In the depressive time, we should be composed, live an austere life, and wait for the spring of the market.

有人担心援助行动可能会迫使希腊进一步节衣缩食,从而加深该国的经济衰退,而且也会为其他状况不好的欧元区成员国设立一个先例.There were concerns it could force harsher austerity on Greece, deepening its recession, and that it would set a precedent for other euro zone underperformers.

汽油价格大涨,美国消费者节衣缩食——美国民众应该跑到高盛公司,砸掉那些操纵国际油价的家伙的电脑和人脑。USA people begin to reduce cost for life due to high gasoline price. USA people should rash to the office of Goldman Sachs, break the electronics brains and human brains there.

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那时候的生活很艰苦,但父母很疼爱他们的第一个孩子,节衣缩食为我买鸡蛋、饼干、肉饼、花生、苹果等好吃的东西。The life was very hard at that time, but my parents loved me-the first of their kid dearly, though they were poor, they bought eggs, biscuit, meat patty, peanut, apple etc to me.

破产的西北航空公司为了帮助面临失业的员工节衣缩食,建议他们在垃圾堆里搜寻看上眼的东西以及在树林中漫步约会。Bankrupt Northwest Airlines advised workers to fish in the trash for things they like or take their dates for a walk in the woods in a move to help workers facing the ax to save money.

“人人都在受苦,”钱德勒说,“而我却没有,没有节衣缩食,也根本不用考虑存钱,享受不到因经济困难而信心丧失的时期,也无法体验那种慌乱不安靠工资度日的日子。"Everybody's suffering," Chandler said. "And here I am, not scrimping and saving at all, with no demoralizing periods of financial hardship, or frantic weeks living paycheck to paycheck.