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务希拨冗出席。Your presence is cordially requested.

你没有拨冗送给他人的那个微笑,那个拥抱或那个吻。That you didn't take that extra time for a smile, a hug, or a kiss.

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感谢大家今晚拨冗莅临。So thanks to all of you for taking the time to be here this evening.

组委会邀请您届时率队拨冗出席竞赛,并邀请您参加心意拳的名家表演。Led the organizing committee will invite you to attend the competition.

下面是上文没有提到的一些网站,你不妨拨冗访问You might also want to check out some of these other sites not previously mentioned

我要谢谢你们拨冗参与我们今天的节目。I want to thank you for taking time and for helping us out with this crowd-sourcing today.

首届比赛仅限36席珍贵席位,敬邀您拨冗参赛。This match will only have 36 precious seats, we sincerely invite you to attend this tournament.

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如未能拨冗出席,可填妥表格连同支票寄回。If you cannot attend, you may fill out the application form and send it back to us with a cheque.

我们高度重视并感谢朱总理这次能拨冗来柬进行正式访问。We attach great importance to and appreciate Zhu's official visit to Cambodia amid his busy schedule.

期待您能在百忙中拨冗亲临中国•海口参加本次大会,并给予及时回复。We feel honored to invite you to attend the conference in Haikou City, and are looking forward to your reply.

鉴于您的高深造诣,我们真诚期待您的积极支持,拨冗指导。In view of your profound knowledge, we sincerely look forward to your active support, guidance for taking the time.

鉴于您的高深造诣,我们真诚期待您的积极支持,拨冗指导。In view of the fact that your profound attainments, we anticipated sincerely your positive support, finds time instruct.

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总理阁下,您的拨冗出席让我们感到特别荣幸,我们对您的到来表示最诚挚的欢迎!We are particularly honored that you, Madam Chancellor, are able to join us here at Audi. We welcome you most cordially!

塔迪奇总统感谢胡主席拨冗会见,表示完全赞同胡主席对两国关系的评价。Tadic thanked President Hu for taking the time to meet him, saying he fully agreed with President Hu's remarks over bilateral relations.

组委会邀请您届时率队拨冗出席竞赛,并邀您参加心意拳的名家表演。Led the organizing committee will invite you to attend the competition, and invite you to participate in the famous Xinyi Boxing performances.

旷大使感谢科罗马总统拨冗会见,祝贺塞独立50周年庆典活动取得了圆满成功。Ambassador Kuang thanked the president for meeting him, and extended his congratulations on the huge success of the 50th anniversary celebrations.

包括卡纳尔总理阁下在内的各界友人拨冗出席今天的开幕式,显示了尼方对中尼关系的高度重视,我对此深表赞赏和感谢。It shows the Nepali side attaches great importance to China-Nepal relations. I would like to express my deep appreciation and gratitude towards this.

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赵大使感谢沃拨冗会见,赞赏利议会坚持一个中国政策,表示中国愿与利加强各方面交往,巩固、深化和拓展两国友好合作关系,增进两国人民的友好感情。Yang said facts prove that to develop China-Senegal friendly cooperative relations is in the fundamental interest of both countries and their people.

临行前,她把开业的时间告诉给苏幕,如果她有时间就请拨冗前来,给自己的女儿撑撑门面。Face before going, she tells an perform time beginning train to Su, if she occasionally amuse take time out to come, support public outward for own daughter.

至少,没有人是没有任何期望,就拨冗而来。我希望你们人人拥有这一本小册子,这是我今年岁末对你们聊表敬意的礼物。At the very least no one will have gone out of his way for absolutely nothing. since I hope you all have the little copy with which I pay homage to you as an end of year gift.