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但是在简历里面,自我标榜是可以接受的。But on a resume, it's okay to brag.

自我标榜会被认为没有教养。Self-praise is felt to be ill-bred.

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总之,既要做自我标榜“现代派”,更要做有品位的“经典派”。In short, neither do flaunted " modernists " more to do with the grade of "classical school".

她自我标榜是“旅居专家”,曾周游列国与大量在国外生活的人交谈过。She bills herself as 'the expat expert' and travels around the world speaking to expat groups.

我向布鲁克斯建议说,也许他自我标榜为社会主义者的事实会吸引爱德·米利班德。Perhaps the fact that you're a self-described socialist will appeal to Ed Miliband, I suggest to Brooks.

尽管曼斯菲尔德不愿自我标榜为女权主义者,但她的作品中却呈现出深刻的女权主义思想。Although Mansfield doesn't want to regard herself as a feminist, her works reveal deep thought of feminism.

爱的大巡游是世界上最流行的音乐节之一,自我标榜为一个和平盛会。The Love Parade is one of the most popular music events in the world and prides itself as a peaceful event.

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同时高焦虑者总有一个自我保护机制,如自我标榜、自我服务和自我设阻。High testanxious peoples have a protect mechanism, such as self enhancing, self serving and self handicapping.

自我标榜为混乱的代理人,小丑突然来到哥顿市,仿佛他过去一直藏在某个人的衣袖之中。A self-described agent of chaos, the Joker arrives in Gotham abruptly, as if he’d been hiding up someone’s sleeve.

杰克逊自我标榜为一位拥有适度财产的奴隶主,并打算将其打造成为一座规模可观、名为隐士庐的棉花种植园。He also set himself up as a slaveholder on a modest estate he would build into a major cotton plantation, the Hermitage.

陈勇条件不错,可他就是不婚,还自我标榜不愿被婚姻束缚。Old brave condition is pretty good, but he is not marriage, return ego to flaunt do not wish to be manacled by marriage.

但这名自我标榜的“革命领袖”从未放弃装模作样,坚称利比亚人民爱戴他,而他使利比亚成为一个伟大的国家。But the self-styled "leader of the revolution" never abandoned the pretence that his people loved him and that he had brought his country greatness.

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所以你会发现,针对大众市场的叙事读物呈现在读者面前的书会越来越少,而自我标榜有文学价值,哪怕再不协调也要把自己包装成艺术作品的书会越来越多。So you're going to find fewer books presenting themselves as no-nonsense, mass market narrative and more assuming literary pretensions and being packages, however incongruously, as works of art.