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今生今世我永远爱你!I swear to love you forever!

今生今世永远爱你!This present life love you forever!

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就像巴厘,今生今世,我还会再来吗?Like Bali, a lifetime, I will come again?

我今生今世只爱王丹颖你一个人!Wang Danying I just love this life you are a man!

今生今世,你在我心里,无需想起,永不会忘记!This life, you are my heart, no mind, never forget!

以内心独白叙说今世的真实故事。Telling the true story of the world in interior monolog.

舅舅和舅母的恩典今生今世也报不了。The kindness of my uncle and aunt can never be requited.

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魂牵梦萦,三千年的轮回,于今世上演。Dreams, cycle of three thousand years, at the world stage.

开心鬼的今世康森贵,结识了新女友安妮。Conson your present happy ghost, meet a new girlfriend Annie.

当我已完成了今生今世的工作,我的王中之王呵。And when my work shall be done in this world, O King of kings.

今生今世我都不会忘记你,你将是我永远的记忆。I won't forget you all my life, you will be in my mind forever.

与你漫步在沙滩上,写下今生今世的承诺。Walk on the sands with you, write down the promise of this life.

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芬里尔·格雷伯克或许是当今世上最凶残的狼人。Fenrir Greyback is, perhaps, the most savage werewolf alive today.

安拉是裁决者,他以我们今世的一切行为为根据进行审判裁决。God is the Judge and He will judge us on the basis of our actions.

前世的尘,今世的风,无穷无尽的哀伤的精魂。Past the dust, present in the wind, soul and spirit of endless grief.

这两个相互冲突的事实恐怕无法在今生今世化解。The conflict between these two realities cannot be resolved in this life.

终有一天我们人类将站在安拉的面前接受今世一切作为的审判。We humans will stand before God one day to be judged for all our actions.

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我已用今世全部的时间与你预约来生的相守!I have used all the time and present you an appointment in the next life !

我今生今世爱定你,愿这一生只牵你的手!I would share the rest of my life to love you, this life to hold your hand!

其有众生欲于今世见阿弥陀佛者。If there are living beings who wish to see Amitabha Buddha in this lifetime.