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没有焦炭就不能炼铁。Without coke iron cannot be smelted.

精煤、中煤、煤泥、焦炭销售。Plant, China coal, Meini, coke sales.

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但那时,家里用的焦炭质量不怎么好。But then the coke at home wasn`t fine.

我们把这个焦炭磨成粉。We have to grind the coke into powder.

熏人的黑焦炭气味几个星期不散,断壁颓垣Black smell of char for weeks, the ruin already

我们从邻居的纷纷议论中得知他被烧成了焦炭。Burnt to cinders, we were told by the neighborhood gossips.

尼克坐在烤成焦炭的树墩上,点了一支雪茄烟。Nick sat down against the charred stump and smoked a cigarette.

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生产电石的主要原料是焦炭和石灰。The main materials for producing calcium carbide are coke and lime.

焦炭最初是在鼓风炉里作为助燃剂使用。Coke is used predominantly as a fuel reluctant in the blast furnace.

根据FHH模型计算了焦炭的分形维数。The fractal dimensions of coke were calculated according to FHH model.

货物车辆大部分是装著焦炭漏斗货车的或著油罐车。The freight car was tank cars and the hopper cars that piled up cokes.

我们有工厂随处可见,”解释穆泰康,焦炭的首席执行官。We have factories everywhere, " explains Muhtar Kent, the CEO of Coke."

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研究了干、湿法熄焦焦炭的催化性能。The catalytic performance of coke from wet quenching and CDQ is studied.

在苛刻的作业工况下,焦炭塔运行若干年后会出现筒体鼓胀变形。After many years run, the drum deformation and cucurbit deformation appear.

在家里时,我也去地下室拿焦炭,从没出过什么问题。At home I also fetched the coke from the cellar and never had any problems.

建议铁合金厂尽量选用由低变质程度煤炼制的焦炭作还原剂。For a ferroalloy producer, it is preferable to use these cokes as a reducer.

我非常喜欢到中国餐馆和订购焦炭和酸辣汤。I enjoy going to Chinese restaurants and ordering coke and hot and sour soup.

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利用风口焦炭取样机取得了整个高炉炉缸半径上的焦炭样品。The coke of whole hearth radius BF is got by sampling machine of tuyere coke.

这一过程使挥发物从煤中蒸馏出来而产生多孔的焦炭。This causes the volatiles to be distilled from the coal to give a porous coke.

破碎机的齿轮为尖头状,用于碎煤,焦炭和石灰石。The tooth of roll crusher is pointed, used for crushing coal, coke and limestone.