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猞猁是国家二级保护动物。Lynx is a nationally protected animal.

而皇后动物园的美洲狮和猞猁却完全不吃这一套。But forget that for the pumas and lynx at the Queens Zoo.

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胚胎移植猞猁的目的是让该物种生存并繁衍。The task of the transplanted lynx is to survive and multiply.

这同样适用于狼、貂熊、猞猁以及其它动物。The same is true for wolves, wolverines, lynx and many other species.

猞猁最明显的特性是它们耳朵尖上的一撮毛毛。Lynxes are known for the black tufts of fur on the tips of their ears.

据说能遇到难以捉摸的加拿大猞猁是少有的机会。An encounter with an elusive Canada Lynx is said to be a rare privelege.

小组希望,在不远的将来能将人工圈养的猞猁放归山野。In the near future, it hopes to release captive-bred lynx into the wild.

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于是猞猁跑到湖的另一边变成了鹿的模样。So Lynx went around to the other side of the lake and turned into a deer.

伊比利亚猞猁体重约25磅,作为西班牙和葡萄牙的标志生物,它们如今的生存处境已岌岌可危。But the 25-pound Iberian lynx, icon of Spain and Portugal, is on shaky turf.

美国人说到野猫,他们通常指的是猞猁。When Americans say wildcat, they usually mean a lynx, an ocelot or a bobcat.

可是我很荣幸地能够有机会近距离看到这个猞猁。I am honoured to have had the opportunity to see a Lynx up close and personal.

我想到了!“猞猁说。”我跑到湖的另一边,然后装成一头鹿。"I know!" said Lynx. "I'll change myself into a deer on the other side of the lake."

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这只猞猁姿态优雅、闪闪发光,轻盈地落在大惊失色的跳舞者中间。Graceful and gleaming, the lynx landed lightly in the middle of the astonished dancers.

猞猁是著名的因为这黑色的绒毛的毛皮在它们的耳尖和它们的厚毛。Lynxes are known for the black tufts of fur on the tips of their ears and their thick fur.

科学家们测试了获得的粪便和其它证据,而且这些粪便被证实是那只母猞猁的。Fecal material and other evidence obtained were tested and confirmed to be those of a lynx.

质量更优、腹部颜色更清晰的猞猁猫皮精选系列销售非常良好。A small collection of Lynx Cats also sold very well in the better qualities and clearer bellies.

本次调查在国内首次发现虎、狮、豹、猞猁等猫科动物可以感染等孢球虫。It is the first time for finding Isospora coccidia oocysts infected the tiger, lion, leopard and so on.

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为了抓住它,动用了大量武装警察、皇家防止虐待动物协会检查员和退伍军人,后来查明这是一只猞猁。A huge team of armed police, RSPCA inspectors and vets were needed to capture what turned out to be a lynx.

今天供应的品种包括中咖啡母皮、蓝宝石、铁灰、紫罗兰、独特彩貂以及猞猁猫皮。Today's offering consisted of Demi Brown females, Sapphire, Blue Iris, Violet, Unique Mutations and Lynx Cat.

自从有剑齿猫科动物灭绝,猞猁已经成为了岌岌可危的下一个。Not since the time of the sabertooth has a feline species gone extinct. Earth's most endangered cat could be next.