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汉语属于汉藏语系分析语,有声调。Chinese belongs to Sino-Tibetan language analysis language, with tones.

分析语评论应该标明出处,以避免歪曲事实或语境。Analysis and commentary should be labeled and not misrepresent fact or context.

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由粘着语到分析语,是语言进化的表现,是语言发展的普遍规律。It is a universal principal that agglutinative language changes into the analytic one.

本文旨在分析语用统一的背后所体现出移就的触发条件和运行机制。The article is to analyze the triggers and the operational mechanism thereof embodied by the pragmatic unification.

本文从体现人际意义的语气和情态出发,分析语篇中的社会互动和身份构建。This paper aims to analyze the social interaction and identity building in a discourse in terms of mood and modal structure.

分析语的特征是不用形态变化而用词序及虚词来表达语法关系。A synthetic language is " characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships".

为了从更高的层面上来描述和分析语篇中的主位推进模式,还引入了句群主位的概念。Super-theme is introduced in this paper so that literary text analysis based on patterns of TP can be conducted at a higher level.

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英语属于综合语,汉语属于分析语,语言文字类型不同,组句方式和表达习惯即有所不同。English and Chinese, relegated to synthetic and analytic languages in typology, differ in their system-sentences and articulate the world differently.

本文从分析语用含义、语用含糊的形成方式、语用含糊的语用功能着手,通过实例阐明含糊语在言语交际中的语用功能。This article deals with the definition, the formation of the vagueness, the pragmatic function of pragmatic vagueness to illustrate the pragmatic fun.

分别不同的新闻媒体报道中各选取了五篇2000至2006年的不同种类的英语新闻报道作为分析语料。Five different types of English news reports during year 2000-2006 have been selected from different news media as the authentic materials for the study.

因此,动态地分析语篇中语言结构顺应特征有助于读者挖掘话语的深层含义,理解语篇主题。Therefore, the dynamic analysis of structure objects of adaptability is helpful to readers understanding of the deeper meaning of utterances and theme of texts.

本文旨在分析语用学跟幽默之间的关系,希望能找到一些有关幽默产生与理解的指导方针。This paper aims at analyzing the relationship between pragmatics and humor, hoping to find some pragmatic guidelines that direct humor production and understanding.

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社会语言学角度,主要从社会因素分析语码转换的特点,动机和转换功能。The second is the sociolinguistic approach which focuses on the research of the characteristics, the motivations and the functions of code-switching from social aspects.

分析语用失误的表现和成因,并据此提出了提高语用能力的对策,强调应将语用原则纳入英语教学内容。This paper analyzes the causes of cross-cultural pragmatic failure and puts forward some English teaching strategies to increase non-English majors' pragmatic competence.

本文试图通过实例分析语用错误及导致语用错误的可能原因,探寻外语学习者获得提高语用能力的方法。This paper tries to identify and classify sources for learners pragmatic failures and looks into ways in which learners could be helped to acquire their pragmatic competence.

用典型的象似性原则来探讨、分析语篇的象似性及其认知基础,能使读者更直观、更有效地解读语篇。Discussing iconicity and its cognitive foundation in the field of text with typical iconic principles can help the readers understand the text more intuitively and effectively.

发音学习过程是一个自动化程序认知过程,本文结合实际案例从认知心理学的各个过程分析语谱图在聋人语训中的作用与效果。This paper will discuss the role of spectrogram in speech training for the hearing-impaired with special reference to the understanding of cognitive psychology and practical cases.

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用典型的象似性原则来探讨、分析语篇的象似性及其认知基础,能使读者更直观、更有效地解读语篇。From the view of cognition and culture the present article is an attempt to study cognitive basis and cultural factors in the meaning construction and interpretation of English idioms.

建立在修辞结构理论基础之上的前指分布规律可以用来分析语篇中名词和代词前指分布的情况。The rule of the distribution of the nominal and pronominal anaphora based on the Rhetorical Structure Theory is employed in this paper to analyze the texts from FIDIC Contract Conditions.

本文探讨语言环境对语篇的影响及语用推理,分析语篇语用推理的前提、过程、结论。The Essay elucidates the impact of linguistic environment upon discourse and linguistic reasoning, and analyses the premise, process and conclusion of the linguistic reasoning of discourse.