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或者说他引进了一个新概念。Or he introduced a new concept.

服悟员把我们引进了候车室。The porter ushered us into the room.

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他把我引进会客室。He ushered me into the reception room.

“神经元”这个词是在1891年被引进的。The term 'neuron' was introduced in 1891.

我国不宜引进预审法官制度。Pre-trial judge system does not fit China.

成都高新区将大规模引进投资项目。High-tech zone to introduce large projects.

玉米的引进使我们受惠不少。The introduction of corn benefits us a lot.

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这是从不列颠引进的种马。This is the stud naturalized from Britain.

我会引进一些东方思想的观点。I will bring in ideas from eastern thoughts.

在1986年我们想引进维亚利,但他拒绝了。In 1986 when we moved for Vialli he said no.

他们引进了一些先进设备。They have brought in some advanced equipment.

引进了两台新型的探伤仪。Our company introduced two new flaw detectors.

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美国已成功引进饲养了一对中国的大熊猫。A couple of pandas have naturalized in America.

您可以在它们被引进时尽快给予修复。You can fix them as soon as they are introduced.

我要是帕特-莱利,我可能会引进一个心理学家。If I were Pat Riley, I'd bring in a psychologist.

2004年冬季,某养鸽场引进的乳鸽发生大批死亡。Many baby pigeons of one farm died in winter 2004.

马铃署是从美洲引进欧洲的。Potatoes were introduced into Europe from America.

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那新引进的机器运转正常。The newly-introduced machine is in good operation.

开掘渠道把水引进沙漠。Canals have been built to take water to the desert.

他敏于正在企业外引进旧的念想。He is apt to introduce new idess into the business.