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他吃喜酒去了。He went to a wedding feast.

我保您中前三名,你要患上中之后,我喝您的喜酒。I protect your list, you get three after, I drink in the pub you.

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下班后带著老婆及女儿,到信义计划区的纽约纽约典华B厅吃喜酒。After gets off work, bring wife and the daughter to eat the celebration drink.

君代不在,听说她一位顾客的女儿结婚,去吃喜酒了。Gentleman generation not at, hear that daughter's matrimony of her a customer a wedding feasted.

举例来说,喜酒上必须要有整只鸡、整只鱼以及很多圆型的食材。For instance, a Wedding Feast calls for whole chicken and whole fish and lots of round ingredients.

在婚宴上,你经常能看到新娘和新郎给客人吃喜糖倒喜酒。At the wedding banquet, you'll see the bride and groom giving the guests joyful candy and joyful wine.

6日,香港艺人黎姿宣布已与52岁的残障富商马廷强在悉尼结婚,两人将于16日在香港半岛酒店办喜酒。Hong Kong actress Gigi Lai Chi has married 52-year-old disabled businessman Ting Keung Patrick Ma in Sydney.

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再者还要做的就是要购买喜烟,喜糖和喜酒等,这些都是要早早的做好的。Furthermore, what you need to do is to buy tobacco, candy and wedding and so on, these are to be early to do a good job.

小宝知道李猜猜要嫁人后很着急,贾三也是无能为力,他不能让他们将喜酒喝痛快。Small treasure know li guess want to get married so worry, jia three is helpless, he cant let they will drink a banquet.

今年十月以来,我已经喝了三次亲朋的喜酒了。下个星期还要参加两次。And I have attended three wedding ceremonies of my friends and relatives this year since october and next week there are tow more to be attended.

由于女方的亲朋大多来自海防市区之外,阿涛的喜酒在中午就开始了,腾龙旅店也播起了激扬的音乐。As the woman's friends are from Hai Phong city, the A Tao of the wedding party began at noon, Dragon Inn is also broadcast music from the boosting.

第二天我和汪庆华分开住了,后来他和黄丽交上了朋友并且在2002年结婚,没请我喝他们的喜酒。The next day I moved out from Wang Qinghua. Then he was in love with Huang Li and married her in 2002. He didn't invite me to attend their wedding ceremony.

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NBA巨星“大鲨鱼”奥尼尔将在姚明今年晚些时候在NBA摆喜酒时送给这位火箭队球星几个24英寸的汽车轮,作为结婚礼物。NBA superstar Shaquille O'Neal will give Yao Ming 24-inch car rims as a wedding gift when China's Houston Rockets star celebrates his third wedding ceremony later this year.