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大多数黑色素瘤是黑色或褐色的。Most melanomas are black or brown.

但是,当黑色素瘤的转移,当心了。But when melanoma metastasizes, watch out.

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碳填充TFE具有天然黑色素。Carbon filled TFE has a natural pigment of BLACK.

小鼠黑色素瘤B16-F1细胞株是弱免疫原性癌细胞株。Mouse melanoma B16-F1 cell line is low immunogenic.

黑色素使皮肤变黑是人被晒黑的原因。Melanin darkens the skin and is the cause of suntan.

多补充维生素C,促进黑色素代谢。Multi-vitamin C, the promotion of melanin metabolism.

酪氨酸酶是黑色素合成的关键酶。Tyrosinase is the key enzyme in melanin biosynthesis.

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葡萄膜黑色素瘤是成年人中最多见的一种恶性肿瘤。Uveal melanoma is the most common carcinoma in adult.

黑色素同时也主导着头发和眼睛的颜色。Melanin is also responsible for hair and eye coloring.

当阳光照到皮肤,会产生更多的黑色素。When sunlight hits the skin, more melanin is produced.

你的双腿是最容易受黑色素瘤袭击的地方。Your legs are the number one spot where melanoma strikes.

能防止和延缓黑色素的过旺分泌。It prevents and slows down excessive production of melanin.

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不含黑色素小体的毛发为亚麻色和灰白色。Does not contain melanin body for the flaxen hair, and gray.

研究了从黑芝麻中提取黑色素的条件。The extraction condition of black sesame pigment was studied.

也许吉卜林会说“让美洲虎长上了黑色素”。One for Kipling, perhaps. “How the jaguar got his melanocytes.

她似乎很乐意谈购物,我就把黑色素瘤的事情告诉了她。She seems happy to talk shop, so I tell her about the melanoma.

葡萄膜黑色素瘤是最常见的眼内肿瘤。Background Uveal melanoma is the most common intraocular cancer.

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而这个因素对低收入女性患黑色素瘤的几率没有影响。This factor did not affect melanoma ratesamong low-income women.

黑色素可以吸收辐射,保护你的细胞不受损伤。The pigment absorbs the radiation and protects cells from damage.

MTT法检测融合蛋白对黑色素瘤细胞的体外抑制率。The inhibition ratio of the fusion protein was tested by MTT method.