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本日极度严冷。It's very cold today.

“艾斯科巴,”乔说,他极度兴奋。"Escobar, " says Joe.

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她处在极度的痛苦之中。She is now in extreme pain.


极度的寒冷使水凝固。Extreme cold solidified water.

他极度地关心罗摩拉。He cared supremely for Romola.

公司处于极度困难的境地。The company is in dire straits.

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老妇在极度痛苦中断气。The old woman expired in agony.

时间能安抚极度的悲痛。Time tames the strongest grief.

时间能温和极度的沉痛。Time tames the strongest grief.

这需要极度严格的纪律。This requires extreme discipline.

我极度渴望得到他的关注。I was desperate for his attention.

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这消息令全班同学极度兴奋。The news enfevered the whole class.

受害者对虐待有极度轻视的倾向。Victims tend to minimize the abuse.

但是,极度的高傲自信开罪了神灵。But the gods are offended by hubris.

这是一个极度优秀的位置。It is a profoundly elitist position.

极度崇尚个人自由A fierce belief in individual liberty.

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他眼望着虚无,感到极度空虚。He looks into the void, feeling empty.

极度沉溺——我想要看更多。Highly Addictive -I want to watch more.

这种方法极度浪费网络资源。It's a huge waste of network resources.