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定价高于边际成本Price above that.

也将价格设定在边际成本To price at marginal cost as well.

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如果百事定价在边际成本怎么办What if Pepsi prices at marginal cost?

我也将价格设定在边际成本I could price at marginal cost as well.

是边际收益等于边际成本的那点It's where marginal revenue equals marginal cost.

这个斜率就是边际消费倾向。That slope is the marginal propensity to consume.

在国际上形成的边际效应甚至更大。The international side-effects may be even greater.

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需求曲线和边际成本的交点叫什么The quantity where demand and marginal costs equal.

边际收益递减像摘苹果。Diminishing marginal returns are like pickingapples.

测试运行在自己的进程中以消除边际效应Runs in its own process for side-effect free testing

有时候他好像喃喃自语,内容空洞而不著边际。Sometime what he mutters sounds nothing and elusive.

这是边际收益递减的原则。This is the principle of diminishingmarginal returns.

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我们现在正迈向一个没有边际的新境界。We are reaching out for a new and boundless frontier.

是边际收入等于边际成本那点,对吧It's where marginal revenue equals marginal cost, right?

实际上你们不知道边际收入是多少Right, you can't actually see the marginal revenue here.

这个世界的深广远超你现在想象的边际。The world is much larger than you can imagine right now.

这个图像中的边际收入是什么呢What does the marginal revenue look like in this picture?

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但问题是我们现在没有边际收入曲线啊Trouble is I haven't drawn the marginal revenue curve yet.

生产函数是凹性的,边际报酬递减。The production function is concave with decreasing returns.

我写的这些字,这一群,在这没有边际、孤零零的纸上,游荡。A herd of words roams on this forlorn paper without boundary.