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孩子们,这里就是你的练笔场所。Girls and boys, just come here to be sure.

在繁忙的工作之余,朱东锷仍不辍练笔,实属不易。In the busy work, Zhu Dong E Lianbi still stopped working, it is not easy.

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统传练笔画从“永”字八法开始。" EC Chuan practicing strokes from the "Wing" to the beginning of eight law.

南行诗对于苏轼诗歌创作的练笔作用应该得到肯定。Undoubtedly, Southern poems functioned as beneficial practice of SuShi′s poem writing.

自动作文设计是教师对学生课外练笔进行指导的设计。The design of automatic composition is a design by teachers aimed at students' writing out of class.

当然,你的外语老师也会帮助你推荐网站或笔友团体来进行练笔。Also, your local foreign language teacher might be able to recommend a website or group for finding penpals.

第五、六两章论述写作实践储备,主要从平时练笔和考试技巧储备两方面阐释。The fifth and sixth chapters illustrate basic training and exam skills as to the storage of writing practice.

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这一学期我上了基础写作课,所以每一次练笔机会都弥足珍贵。I am taking the basic writing English class this semester and it is pivotal for me to take every chance to practise my writing skills.

同时应加强“短线”设计,形成练笔系统,来辅助好习作训练。At the same time, "the short line" design should be strengthened for the formation of the writing-practice system to support writing training.

在阅读课文时,学习写作方法,记住一些关键的词语和句子,每周坚持写周记,勤于练笔,善于观察生活。When you read the text contents, learn the writing skills and remember some key phrases and vocabularies. Write a Diary every week and practice more. Observe more from Life's lessons.

第一多看,就是多看作文选,看看别人是怎样写作文的,要写成什么样才算是优秀作文?第二多写,就是在平时多写小练笔、日记之类的。The first look, it is much as an anthology, see others is how to write a composition, must write what is a good composition? Write two, which is normally more practicing writing, diary, etc.

随感练笔,习作空间广阔,随意性大,感皆源自学生本人的所见所闻所读所思,学生的观察能力,思考能力,语言表达能力在随感中同步提高。Essay , exercises is vast, and arbitrary, a sense of "all I saw and heard from the students read and think, student observation, thinking, language skills in simultaneous increase in the Essay."

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通过教材的示范,着重指导学生掌握记叙文的五种常见结构方式和议论文的四种常见结构方式,再通过课后练笔活学活用。Through the model of the Chinese Textbook, the students are guided to master the common five structures of narration and four of argumentation, and then use it flexibly by practicing after class.