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编辑把那篇小说改得面目全非。The editor hacked the story to bits.

编辑把我的文章删改得面目全非。The editor hacked my article to bits.

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他的文章被改的面目全非。His article has been changed beyond recogniton.

他把我的作文交还给了我,改得面目全非。He handed me my composition completely modified.

所有的死者和伤者都被烧得面目全非。All the dead and injured were burned beyond recognition.

与此同时,这个城市本身也变得面目全非。Meanwhile, the city itself changes almost beyond recognition.

但然后,他们就把我们的东西拿去,把它改得面目全非。and then they just take what we did and completely change it.

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然后他说,“啊,实际上我们就想被弄得面目全非。And he said, "Well, actually we want to be changed unrecognizably.

对恐怖分子来说,自从911事件以来,生活已经面目全非。For the terrorists, life since Nine-Eleven has never been the same.

一切都消逝得如此之快,瞬息之间我们所熟悉的生活已然面目全非。It goes by so quickly, in a flash the life we knew is gone forever.

所以现在,他躺在医院里,鼻青脸肿,面目全非。So now he’s indeed in the hospital, with a swollen, unrecognizable head.

但是自美元发行以来,人们就出于好玩,将其改得面目全非。But people have been defacing U.S. currency for fun since it’s invention.

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要是克里奥帕特拉的鼻子短了一些,这世界就可能面目全非了。Have cleopatra's nose is shorter, the whole face of the world will have being different.

一条古街,一座千万年的山在瞬间就能将它们变消失或者面目全非。A archaic street and thousand years mountain suddenly disappear or can not be identified.

还有一道菜全是内脏,同样砍得面目全非。Another dish was made entirely of organs, which again had been hacked beyond recognition.

条条马路被装有原材料的大卡车碾得坑坑洼洼面目全非。Roads are pocked with potholes left by the steady crush of trucks carrying raw materials.

也许我们的消化器官对这些面目全非的食物已无法分辨。Perhaps all those alterations to our food render it unrecognizable to our digestive tract?

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农村人口向城市工厂的流动已经让家庭生活面目全非了。Migration from the countryside to urban factories has rendered family life ­unrecognisable.

从表面来看,这种个性化与传统的音乐相比已面目全非。Superficially , this kind of individualism is completely different from the traditional music.

人们会搞错经文,甚至还会把很多耳熟能详的圣经故事弄的面目全非。People may get verses wrong, but they also mangle plenty of well-known biblical stories as well.