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卢旺达陷于种族灭绝的阵痛。Rwanda was in the throes of genocide.

你可能想知道什么时候开始阵痛?When will labor start, you’re likely wondering?

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好几周我的牙龈、牙齿、下巴、鼻窦阵痛不止。For weeks my gums, teeth, jaw and sinuses throbbed.

而不必面对不确定的风险、阵痛和改变。Without having to face infinite risk, pain, and change.

但是当你经历阵痛和分娩时,你应该期待什么呢?But what should you expect when you’re laboring and delivering?

社会必须经历阵痛以便让最卑微的花开放。World had to be in travail, that the meanest flower might blow.

在分娩前的每次妊娠,每次阵痛和分娩都是不同的。Like every pregnancy before it, every labor and delivery is different.

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凯伦在娠妊期间一切正常,不久,分娩的阵痛开始了。The pregnancy progressed normally for Karen. In, time the labor pains came.

从地里回来时,她突然一阵阵痛,不由得蹲了下去。On her way back from the fields, she suddenly doubled over with labour pains.

如果你的公司现在正处于并购的阵痛期,那么这个故事可以成为你的警世寓言。It's a cautionary tale for anyone whose company is now in the throes of a merger.

我不敢告诉主考官我正经受产前阵痛,以防他取消我的考试资格。I didn't dare tell the examiner I was in labour in case he made me cancel the test.

你正在经历的,可能是在分娩中被称为“背阵痛”的过程。What you're probably experiencing is known in the birthing business as “back labor.

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难忍的阵痛又发作了,玛丽亚·波格丹诺夫娜于是劝说安德烈公爵从房里出去。The pains began again, and Marya Bogdanovna advised Prince Andrey to go out of the room.

毫不奇怪,瓦茨也在对暴乱进行痛苦的讨论,处于剧烈的阵痛之中。Not surprisingly , Watts , too , was in the throes of painful discussion about the riots.

在走上街头的抗议者里,很可能没人会把本国的经济阵痛与华盛顿联系起来。Probably few of the protesters in the streets connect their economic travail to Washington.

但是,种种迹象表明随着中国经济日趋成熟,中国正在进入一个新的发展阵痛期。But there are signs that China is entering a new era of growing pains as its economy matures.

阵痛一发生就赶紧吃一粒消炎止痛药,帮助小腹的收缩停下来。Take an anti-inflammatory painkiller at the first twinge of cramping to stop the contractions.

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在这个“阵痛时代”注册会计师的行业改革成为会计学界讨论的热点。In the "Throe's Age", the reform concerned CPA has become the focus of the field of accountants.

毫无疑问,我感到自己经历了她生育的阵痛,还有一部分她受到的损伤。I felt now, without a doubt, that I had experienced her birth pains, and part of her trauma, too.

这是由于出生的最后阵痛期邪教和文明在西亚和埃及。It was born amidst the last throes of expiring cults and civilizations in Western Asia and Egypt.