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这部小说秉承了他一贯的沉抑风格。Door-to-door service is the consistent style of our shop.

我住的旅馆也秉承了某些古老的惰性。My hotel, too, had absorbed some of this ancient inertia.

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她秉承父业,也从事戏剧工作。She works in theatre, following in her father's footsteps.

我们秉承诚信原则,对每一件事的倾注全力。We work with integrity and put our best effort into every job.

年来,摩托罗拉一直秉承着创新的传统。Innovation is a recognized part of Motorola's 75-year heritage.

秉承一贯传统,由索尼古典音乐录制及发行。Like most of her recordings, both are issued by Sony Masterworks.

上杭人才网秉承“以人为中心,开拓创新。”Shanghang talent network adhering to the "people-centered innovation."

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公司秉承“万力优质”的质量方针。The company always adheres to the quality policy of "superior quality".

这种精神文脉的传达是和他一贯所秉承的艺术态度是一脉相承的。The spirit it conveys is consistent with his long-held artistic attitude.

这似乎和我们秉承的文本关联广告模式有些冲突。This may seem at odds with the value we place on relevant text-based ads.

始终秉承“高享受”、“高品质”、“高附加值的”品牌理念。Always adhering to the "high", "high quality", "high-value" brand concept.

LSBF秉承以培养全球领袖为目标的办学理念。LSBF enjoys a stated mission to develop students to become global leaders.

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富苑化工秉承“质量为本,用户至上”的经营理念。Fuyuan Chemical adheres to quality policy of"quality first, customer first".

秉承“特”“异”的经营方针,主营高档纯澳毛男女内衣及运动型针织羊毛外套。Our main business is high-grade smart wool underwear and knitted wool jackets.

这也是耶稣,耶稣秉承了这种丰富而具有预言性的犹太传统。What Jesus called, That rich prophetic Judaic tradition that Jesus flows out of.

好的产品来自好的设计理念,AOK公司严格地秉承这一宗旨。Good product comes from marvelous design conception, AOK company keeps this tenet.

作为芝麻街英语的一员,希望自己能够秉承该使命继续前进!As a member of Sesame Street English. I hope I can shoulder the mission and keep going!

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认为秉承“以刑制罪”的理念,刑法适用中处罚合理性应当得到强调。The rationality to punish is a the is a concept opposite on affirming crime accurately.

言重秉承爱是无所不能的想法,便用手机拍下点字。YanChong adhering to the idea love is omnipotent, then use their cell phones the braille.

曾子在其思想主体上秉承孔子之志,但在局部上亦有所变革。Zenzi carried forward the Confucius idea in his thought, but had some renovation on part.