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她应得退款。She is due refund.

没有退款。There are no refunds.

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我们保证可以退款。We have money-back guarantee.

打开以后就不能退款了。No refunding after it is opened.

本会员咭不可退款。Membership fee is non-refundable.

那次退款差点把公司给毁了。Chargebacks almost killed the company.

售出商品质量不符保证退款。Goods are sold with money-back guarantee.

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我要求呃剐交易全铪退款。I demand a full refund for this purchase.

我们保证在一周之内可以退款。We offer a one-week money back guarantee.

售出商品质量不好保证退款。Goods were sold with money-back guarantee.

第11课打开后就不能退款了。Lesson 11 No refunding after it is opened.

如果顾客坚持要退款我们可以接受。But we still refund consumers if they insist.

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退款给客户的理由是必要的。A reason for refunding the customer is required.

即日通用车票不得转让及退款。This Pass is non-transferable and non-refundable.

所提供之船票不可以退款、不可以取消。Ferry tickets are Non-Refundable and Non- Voidable.

添加专业的升级退款保证工程如下。The VRC PRO upgrade-refund guarantee works as follows.

套票一经确定将不能取消及退款。Once booking is confirmed, the package is non-refundable.

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韩女士认为该公司理应以现金形式退款。Ms. Han thinks this company behoove with cash form refund.

所有付款,除3.4条款规定外,均不可退款。All payments are non-refundable except as described in 3.4.

但是退款是最能让令供应商满意的。But the most satisfactory thing to do is to offer a refund.