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她的演奏使我的相形失色。Her playing pats mine in the shade.

但周五的就业数据恐将让本周其他数据相形失色.But Friday's jobs data could overshadow the rest of the week's numbers.

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诚然,相比于Firefox的4亿用户,7000万数据则相形失色。Of course 70 million statistic pales in comparison to Firefox’s 400 million users.

天上的这些福气与地上的相比,一切将会相形失色,也令人无所恋慕。The things of earth are as nothing in preciousness compared with the things in heaven.

当太阳在早上升起,星星的亮光便相形失色,太阳变成了注视的焦点。When the sun rises in the morning, the light of the stars fades and the sun takes its place.

令人惊讶的是,这些出色的回报同股票和外国债券相比却相形失色。Surprisingly, these glittering returns look tarnished next to those of stocks and foreign bonds.

这里的风光足以让整个瑞士相形失色,而如果你愿意的话,也可以把你彻底征服。Here is a landscape that could swallow all of Switzerland. It could swallow you too, if you'd let it.

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最后这一类大餐让前面所有的加在一起都会相形失色。这就是爱的大餐。In the end, there is one sort of feast that eclipses all the other kinds put together, and that is a feast of love.

然而,中国近日采取的政策令人担忧,令中印在上述问题上的合作也相形失色。Sino-Indian cooperation on such issues has, however, been overshadowed by some disturbing policies adopted by China in recent days.

中国的民族品牌与世界级品牌相比相形失色,这就是我们不可否认、必须面对的现实。Chinese national brands pale in comparison with those world-class brands, which is a fact we can not deny and a reality we have to face.

克林顿说,“他们今天早上已经快把我榨干了。但与我现在要回答的相比,那些问题将相形失色。”They put me through the ringer this morning and everything I said is about to pale in comparison to what I'm now going to say, " Clinton said. ""

还有一个叫做Mint的初创公司,可以让用户从各自的银行账户中提取财务信息重新组合成为用户界面,让Quicken这一软件相形失色。A popular startup called Mint lets customers pull financial information from their bank accounts and reorganize it into an interface that puts Quicken to shame.

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对于很多非洲大陆上的人来说,美国是一个遥远而且模糊的角色,在另一个新兴全球超级大国的映衬下,它愈加相形失色。For many people on the continent, America's role appears to be a distant, nebulous one, increasingly overshadowed by that of another emerging global super-power.

泰国与柬埔寨间的冲突使这次峰会相形失色,后者向流放的泰国前首相他信提供庇护。The meeting was overshadowed by a row between Thailand and Cambodia, which has offered sanctuary to Thaksin Shinawatra, an exiled former Thai prime minister. See article