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稚拙美艺术由来已久、源远流长。Natural beauty art has a long history.

滨州历史悠久,文化源远流长。Binzhou a long history and civilization.

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运城盐池的池盐生产,历史悠久,源远流长。The production of salt pond has long history.

园艺是这个地区源远流长的传统。The area has a long tradition of horticulture.

典当业在我国源远流长。The pawn business has a long history in China.

新丰县历史悠久,源远流长。New Fengxian has a long history, has a long history.

由许多古怪的习俗源远流长。Many strange customs have survived from carlier times.

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中国墨的历史发展源远流长,现存最早的古墨是在战国时期。The history of Chinese ink goes back to ancient times.

中国同阿拉伯国家之间的友谊,源远流长。China and Arab countries enjoy a time-honored friendship.

李肇星说,中尼友好关系源远流长。Li Zhaoxing said that China-Nepal relations are ever lasting.

山志是地方志中专志的一种,编纂历史源远流长。Orography is a kind of local gazetteer, it has a long history.

上述两个维面,各有其源远流长的承传发展线索。Each of the above-mentioned two aspects has its developing clue.

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石家庄的历史源远流长,文化积淀深厚。Shijiazhuang has a long history and profound cultural background.

中德两国人民的交往和友谊源远流长。The two peoples enjoy a long history of exchanges and friendship.

魏氏家族与佛教的因缘关系,源远流长。Weis family and the cause of Buddhism, goes back to ancient times.

湖南物产丰富,经济贸易源远流长。In Hunan, products abound and economic trade has had a long history.

海南被命名为朱崖,琼州和琼崖在不同的历史源远流长。Hainan was also called Zhuya, Qiongzhou and Qiongya in ancient times.

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戈比的历史源远流长,但也并非远古之物。The history of a copeck is old and hard, but not to say very ancient.

西方以欧美为代表,其文化同样源远流长。Western European represented, and its culture also has a long history.

汉语双关名称来源不详,但其使用源远流长。Punning in Chinese has a long history, though it is of uncertain origin.