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水透过泥沙冒了出来。Water bubbled up through the sand.

泥沙把这条河的三角洲淤塞了。Sand has silted up the river delta.

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他打捞上来一只灌满泥沙的旧蓝子。He drew in an old basket full of sand.

许多河流带着泥沙流向赤道。Many rivers carry silt toward equator.

水渠里淤了很多泥沙。The channel is almost choked with silt.

许多河流带着泥沙流向赤道。Many rivers carry silt toward the equator.

小孩用铲子将泥沙压紧。The child packed the sand down with his shovel.

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要做的是做撑起社会大厦的石子和泥沙。To do is make up of social building stones and sand.

包括细网屏陷阱不必要的泥沙。Includes a fine mesh screen to trap unwanted sediment.

泥沙测验是水文测验的重要组成部分。Sediment measurement is an important part of hydrometry.

现在泥沙没有了,鱼没有可吃的了,也就不来了。Now there is no mud, and no food for the fish --- they’ve left us.

这里看不到冰雪的迹象,只有融化的雪水裹挟着泥沙顺流而下。There's no sign of ice, just a river roiling with silt-laden melt.

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三角洲周围的棕褐色水体则是泥沙淤积的结果。The tan-colored waters around the river delta are full of sediment.

小男孩在石头的四周挖呀挖,乐成地把它从泥沙中挖了出来。The boy dug around the rock , managing to dislodge it from the dirt.

委员会已经成功减轻了洪水和泥沙淤积的状况。The commission has succeeded in reducing flooding and sedimentation.

本文首先提出了一个细颗粒悬浮泥沙的动力学判据。A dynamic criterion of suspended fine sand-mud is given in the paper.

从某个大家熟悉的宗教观点来看,上帝用泥沙尘土建造亚当On a familiar religious view, God built Adam out of dirt, out of dust.

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目前的泥沙运动是由波浪和潮流共同作用引起的。The sediment movement is caused by the general actions of wave and tide.

泥沙在河中沉积常给我们带来许多麻烦。The deposition of mud and sand in the river often causes us much trouble.

跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声。The sands in your wav beg for your song and your movement, dancing water.