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但是,劳逸结合也许会让你更加辛苦。They may actually get more toil out of you.

为了保持健康,我们每个人都应劳逸结合。To keep healthy, every one of us should work and rest.

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劳逸结合才能提高工作效率。Only through reconciling work and rest can we improve efficiency.

拿我们今天的话来说,就是劳逸结合的意思。Our today's terms, is the meaning of combining exertion and rest.

学校应该合理地课改,做到让学生劳逸结合。School curriculum should be reasonable, do students work and rest.

其次,要避免过度疲劳,注意劳逸结合。Next, must avoid overtiredly, the attention alternates work with rest.

注意锻炼身体,劳逸结合,多参加体育活动。Note physical exercise, combining exertion, to take part in physical activities.

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有时间玩乐,虽然说劳逸结合,但是劳动在何处?Has the time amusement, although said alternates work with rest, but works in where?

在学校我最喜欢的是社交生活,学校很注重学习,但是我们也很注重劳逸结合。What I enjoy most is the social life – the school is very academic but we play hard too.

运动员明白有效的训练要劳逸结合。Athletes understand that effective training comes from a combination of exercise and rest.

若劳逸结合,寓工作于娱乐,你的成就能够超越你的期望。Your accomplishments could exceed your expectations if you mix a little business with pleasure.

这种劳逸结合的方式能让人精神焕发,也能更好地激励我们做好自己的工作。Such rewards act as incentives for finishing a task, as well as helping us to maintain momentum.

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关键是要劳逸结合,玩的过程往往也是一个学习的过程。The key is to combine the work and rest properly and the course of playing is also one of study.

不太喜欢太长时间的沉浸在书的世界里,家人曾经告诉过我,劳逸结合是最好的。Not like too long immersed in the world of books, and family members have told me, Laoyijiege is the best.

第三,你应当学会劳逸结合,例如在学习之余听音乐。这样可以让你有一个清醒的头脑。Third, you should learn to work with happy. For example, than listen to music. This allows you to have a clear mind.

在日常生活中力求生活有规律,劳逸结合,对老年性皮肤瘙痒症起一定预防作用。Regular life, combining work with relaxation in everyday life play certain prevention role to the senile skin pruritus.

这种具有意境的建筑为的是启发同学的想象力,同时也是一个劳逸结合场所。The idyllic building seeks to inspire the imaginations of little minds while serving as a place to both learn and play.

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我认为政治人物的生活也需要平衡,劳逸结合可能是最佳状态。And I think a balance in a politician's life, a bit of fun as well as a bit of hard work, is probably the best place to be.

劳逸结合。观光,滑雪,日光浴,足球等等都是很好的休闲方式。Don'exhaust yourself. Recreations as sightseeing, skiing, solar bathing and playing soccer are all good choices for you to relax.

学生目标明确,自控能力强,能劳逸结合合理安排学习时间,达到学习目的。You clearly know your target and bring your study ander control. Take it easy and combine the study and rest. You can achieve it!