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而且病毒有抗药性。And there is drug-resistance.

抗药性葡萄球菌已经在医疗系统爆发。Drug-resistant staph really exploded in healthcare.

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这类超级病菌中,最常见的是“抗药性金黄葡萄球菌”。One of the most prevalent of these superbugs is MRSA.

抗菌促生长剂,无抗药性,使用安全。Antibacterial Auxogen, no-drug resistance, and safety to use.

病毒会不会对达菲和扎那米韦产生抗药性?Could the virus become resistant to oseltamivir and zanamivir?

过度使用抗病毒药会帮助病菌产生抗药性。Overusing antiviral drugs can help germs become resistant to them.

在动物产品中无残留、无抗药性,是一种绿色饲料添加剂。Origanum oil was a kind of green feed additive in the animal feeding.

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棉蚜的抗药性增加与体内水解酯酶活力有关。The resistance of aphid is related to activity of hydrolase of aphid.

但是疟疾寄生虫已变得对氯奎和奎宁有抗药性。Butthe malaria parasite has become resistant to chloroquine and quinine.

墨西哥的猪流感病毒的抗药性前,如金刚乙胺。Mexico's swine flu virus resistant to the previous, such as rimantadine.

但是疟疾寄生虫已变得对氯奎和奎宁有抗药性。But the malaria parasite has become resistant to chloroquine and quinine.

向所有艾滋病病毒检测呈阳性的人发放药物也将增加抗药性。To all HIV-positive people Issuance of drug resistance will also increase.

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方法应用无选择性试验方法,检测黄胸鼠对大隆的抗药性。Methods No-choice dieting was used for R. flavipectus brodifacoum resistance.

它们也将建立一个监测抗药性疟疾的区域网络。They also will establish a regional network to detect drug resistant malaria.

还讨论了稻褐飞虱抗药性的治理策略。Discussion on strategies of N. lugens resistance management was also included.

他说寄生虫排除药,从而引起了抗药性。She says the parasite expels the drug drugs, causing resistance to medications.

迄今,对使用联合化疗的抗麻风治疗无抗药性。So far, there has been no resistance to antileprosy treatment when used as MDT.

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就白背飞虱抗药性的发展趋势进行了讨论。The development of insecticide resistance in Sogatella furcifera was discussed.

同时,新的抗药性细菌,Moellering强调,不会消失。Meanwhile, new resistant bacteria, Moellering asserted, aren’t going to go away.

因此昆虫产生抗药性也只是一个时间的问题。Thus it is only a matter of when, not if, some insects develop resistance to Bt.